Mar 09, 2016
The Ministry of Sciences promotes the research centre for integration at TU Dresden
The Ministry of Sciences promotes the formation of a Centre for Integration Studies (ZfI) at TU Dresden. The institution will research the requirements for language, culture and social practice necessary for a successful integration, as a task for society as a whole. The centre aims at understanding the mechanisms of these three integration factors. The obtained findings shall be used to deduce concrete instruments such as research-based integration courses, certificates of political education and intercultural education. The centre will be part of the TU Dresden’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences (GSW) and as an interdisciplinary institution will bundle existing and planned research projects.
The Minister of Science Dr. Eva-Maria Stange praises: “I would like to thank the scientists at TU Dresden for this initiative. Since the research on refugee issues in Germany is still sketchy, we urgently need new findings on how successful integration can be achieved. What do refugees require in order to find their place in society? How do their needs differ from other migrant groups? What do schools, universities and businesses have to contribute? Which challenges will our culture, religions and society as a whole face? How will society change? Answers to these and other questions will be of enormous significance for the success of the integration process.” The Minister adds: “It will be the strength of the new centre that it shall not only gather findings, but will also propose concrete courses of action.”
“The Centre for Integration Studies shall create structures at TU Dresden, which will enable us to explore how linguistic, societal and cultural integration into an inclusive society, as a cross-sectional task can be transposed into research and teaching. Thereby the existing expertise at TU Dresden, in particular at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences will be consolidated and strengthened,” underlines Prof. Hans Müller-Steinhagen, TU Dresden’s rector. This will allow the examination of the multiple dimensions of integration in different areas such as law, economy, education, history, religion as well as in literature and cultural studies. “We would like to utilise the diversity of the Humanities and Social Sciences at TU Dresden in order to study the different, interconnected levels of integration,” states Anke Langner, Professor for Inclusive Education and founding director of the Centre for Integration Studies. “We would like to know, among other things, how the acceptance processes of refugee children in school classes function, which changes are required on all school levels, how the acceptance of law affects its enforcement, how the integration into the labour market can be supported, how to provide language support under often difficult circumstances and how to establish a multilingual culture.” This is just a small selection of questions, which shall be investigated at the Centre for Integration Studies.
The research at the centre is interdisciplinary, intersectional and participatory.
“We do not want to simply research about the people, but instead we would like to include them in the research process. Thus, concepts shall be developed and projects evaluated that aim at integration and inclusion”, explains Anke Langner. Intersectional means, that it is not the construct of the “other” cultures that is explored, but rather the interaction of the different social roles and social constructs, which people must negotiate in everyday life. This will permit to better fathom complex phenomena such as racism and to develop concepts that unveil racist mechanisms which can then form the basis for intervention and prevention projects that transcend racism in society.
The scientists shall follow national and international research developments and will connect with renowned specialist researchers. The centre is open to all disciplinary and interdisciplinary impetuses regarding the topics of integration and inclusion.
The Saxon State Ministry for Science and Fine Arts funds the centre with approx. 125.000 Euros this year. For the following years, funds will also be made available. Additionally, third-party funds from external entities are to be acquired. TU Dresden supports the establishment of the centre with a total sum of 300.000 Euros from its own funds, until the end of 2017. The centre will start creating the structures in April 2016. From 2022 onwards, it will carry on as part of the TU Dresden’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Media inquiries:
Prof. Dr. Anke Langner
Chair for Inclusive Education, Faculty of Education
Tel: +49 (0) 351 463-34001
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand
Chair of Didactics of Political Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Tel: +49 (0) 351 463-35827
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Wieser
Chair of Contemporary German Literature and Didactics of German
Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
Tel: +49 (0) 351 463-36281