Oct 02, 2024; Reading
Transformation EastEast Germany: home and identity? Resurgence of a difficult constellation | Reading and discussion
Dr. Johannes Schütz (Historiker, TU Dresden)

Keramik-Wandbild "Dresden grüßt seine Gäste", 12 x 6 m, von Kurt Sillack und Rudolf Lipowski
In Germany, "Heimat" developed into an influential concept that bundled narratives, values and emotions and thus repeatedly formed new national identities. The public discussion about "Heimat" is therefore not limited to the last few years, but talking about "Heimat" and "identity" has always been and continues to be popular. Most home narratives react to experiences of modernization, classify them, shape them or reject them. Not always, but mostly, these concepts of home create idyllic images of landscapes, places and community. But how do these concepts relate to East Germany and the East German transformation? Can the "East" still be home?
The aim of this evening is to discuss the stories of loss and gain of home through the upheaval since 1990. To this end, journalist and author Sabine Rennefanz will read from her new novel “Kosakenberg”, followed by a discussion with historian Johannes Schütz from TU Dresden.

Scientific Coordinator
NameMr Dr. Lucas von Ramin
Emerging Field "Societal Change"
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