School Teachers Seconded to the University
The Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB) is supported in carrying out its responsibilities by school teachers seconded to the university. They play a unique role, particularly in networking and collaboration with schools. Incorporating their practical experience is intended to significantly improve the quality of teacher education by interlinking the scientific theories of the individual subjects and the scientific theory of education with pedagogical and didactic practice in the first phase of teacher training. The teachers are employed in developing, implementing and evaluating the concept of integrated teacher education and in the continuing education of teachers at TU Dresden. They are also actively involved in the Working groups at the ZLSB. In the first phase of teacher education, they are deployed in courses of selected subject areas and in supervising students on school internships. In addition, they have the opportunity to gain further qualifications as part of a doctorate or habilitation at TU Dresden.
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Marlen Beilig
Gesundheit und Pflege
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 01c Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Since 08/2022 |
abgeordnete Lehrerin im Hochschuldienst (LiH) am Institut für Berufspädagogik und berufliche Didaktiken TU-DD – Gesundheit und Pflege |
2017–2022 |
Fachberaterin an Berufsbildenden Schulen für die Fachrichtung Gesundheit und Pflege (Leipzig) |
2015–2022 |
Fachausbildungsleiterin (FAL) am Landesamt für Schule und Bildung Dresden, Lehrerausbildungsstätte für Berufsbildende Schulen |
2010–2022 |
Lehrerin für Gesundheit und Pflege in Eilenburg Rote Jahne / Leipzig Ruth-Pfau-Schule |
2008–2010 |
Vorbereitungsdienst für das höhere Lehramt an Berufsbildenden Schulen und 2. Staatsexamen Ruth-Pfau-Schule Leipzig |
2007–2008 |
Pflegerische Tätigkeiten Pflegeheim Glasgow/GB |
2002–2007 |
Studium an der TU Dresden, Lehramt für Berufsbildende Schulen Gesundheit und Pflege / WISO |
1999–2002 |
Ausbildung zur Arzthelferin |
- Betreuung der Schulpraktischen Studien (SPS) der beruflichen Fachrichtung Gesundheit und Pflege
- Ergänzungsstudien – Reflexion Schulpraktische Studien
Fortbildnerin Mentorenqualifikation
- Occupational analyses of medical assistants
- Didactics of the health professions
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Romy Cimander
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Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg (BZW), Room A527 Zellescher Weg 17
01062 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung (ZLSB)
Seminargebäude II
Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 13:00 - 14:30
and by appointment
since 08/2024 | Seconded teacher in higher education (German abbrevation: LiH) at the ZLSB and for ethics at the Chair of Didactics of Philosophy and Ethics at TU Dresden |
since 2019 | Secondary school teacher for ethics/philosophy, German and DaZ in Dresden |
2012–2019 | Secondary school teacher at the German school in Italy |
2010–2012 | Secondary school teacher at the German School in Mexico |
2008–2010 | Preparatory service at the bilingual grammar school in Pirna |
2001–2008 |
- Supervision of practical school studies for the subject of ethics
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Kristin Einhorn
Bildungswissenschaften Gymnasium
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 01c Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Katrin Günther
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 01c Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Since 08/2022 |
School teacher seconded to the university |
05/2012–07/2022 | Head of the linguistic department at the HEG |
Since 07/1996 |
Teaching at the Hans-Erlwein-Gymnasium Dresden (HEG) |
1990–1996 | Teaching at the 60. POS Bühlau, at the Gymnasium Luisenstift Radebeul and at the Lößnitzgymnasium Radebeul, Subject teacher for Russian, English, Ethics and Philosophy |
Didactics of English teaching
Supervision of students in the School practical studies
Extracurricular places of learning in foreign language teaching
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Denise Hornig
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 30 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Juliane Hoyer
Gemeinschaftskunde, Recht und Wirtschaft (GRW)
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 23b Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMr Johannes Köhler
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 14 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 12:30 - 13:30
Since 2020 | School teacher seconded to the university at the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History and Didactics of History |
2017–2020 | Teacher at “Oberschule Schmiedeberg” (secondary school) |
2016–2017 | Probationary teacher traineeship at “Augustum-Annen-Gymnasium Görlitz”, State Exam for degree program teacher training for grammar school (“Gymnasium” ) |
2014–2016 | Parallel degree course in History, Master of Arts |
2009–2015 | Degree program teacher training for grammar school (“Gymnasium”) with the subject combination history and social studies/law/economics (German abbreviation: GRW), Master of Education |
- Practical school exercises and block internship B, both in history
- Mentor qualification (MentoS)
- Saxon school and educational history in the 19th century
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Katja Kuritz
Bildungswissenschaften Oberschule
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 21 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Weberplatz, Room 125a Weberplatz 5
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Since 08/2023 | Abgeordnete Lehrerin im Hochschuldienst am ZLSB sowie am Lehrstuhl für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung |
2017–2023 | Fachausbildungsleiterin für die Fächer Ethik und Deutsch an der Ausbildungsstätte für das Lehramt an Oberschulen in Dresden |
1999–2023 | Lehrerin an der 66. Oberschule Dresden |
Betreuung des Blockpraktikums A für Studierende Lehramt an Oberschulen
Biografiearbeit zur Förderung der Identitätsentwicklung
Kuritz, Katja: Mein Lebensbuch. Biografiearbeit im Ethikunterricht. Magdeburg: Militzke 2022
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Ulrike Lang
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 14 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Since 2020 | School teacher seconded to the university at the ZLSB and in the Department of Russian Cultural Studies and Didactics at the Institute of Slavic Studies at TU Dresden |
2017–2020 | Teacher of Russian and German at the 46th and 101st “Oberschule” Dresden with completed state examination in the degree program teacher training – high schools |
2016–2017 | Freelance lecturer of German as a foreign language |
2013–2016 | Project scholarship holder in the research project “Transformation der Erinnerung in postsozialistischen Industriestädten” (Transformation of memory in post-socialist industrial cities) |
2012–2013 | DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) language assistant at the University of Lodz |
2004–2012 | Degree course at TU Dresden with stays abroad in Wrocław and Moscow – M.A. Slavic studies and German studies |
- Dimensions of Teaching Sustainability: A German-Polish-Czech Workshop Series
- “Körperkulturen: Yoga in der Volksrepublik Polen (Dissertationsprojekt)” (Body Cultures: Yoga in the People's Republic of Poland – Dissertation Project)
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Katrin Lange
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 01c Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Maria Melchior-Tunc
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 01c Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
since 08/2024 |
Seconded teacher on university service (LiH) at the Institute for Educational Sciences |
2019–2024 |
Teacher at the 30th elementary school |
2016–2019 | Teacher at the 106th elementary school |
2014–2016 |
Preparatory service and 2nd state examination at the 30th elementary school in Dresden |
2012–2014 |
Studies at the TU Dresden |
2011–2012 |
Studies at San Diego State University |
2009–2011 | Studies at TU Dortmund |
2004–2009 |
Advisory activities in the association Frauen helfen Frauen |
Member of the network for migrant teachers (German: Netzwerk für Lehrkräfte mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte):
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Susann Reuschel
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 23b Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Visiting address:
Hülße-Bau, Room 354 Helmholtzstraße 10
01069 Dresden
Since 2020 | School teacher of geography seconded to the university (German abbreviation: LiH), participation in the Junior Professorship in Geography Education and Environmental Communication at TU Dresden |
2018–2020 | Grammar school teacher at “Ehrenfried-Walther-von-Tschirnhaus-Gymnasium” in Dresden |
2017–2018 | Grammar school teacher and boarding school mentor at “Sächsisches Landesgymnasium Sankt Afra zu Meißen” |
2016–2017 | Preparatory teaching traineeship for the degree program teacher training for grammar school (“Gymnasium”) and 2nd state exam at “Hans-Erlwein-Gymnasium” in Dresden |
2014–2015 | Substitute teacher at the “Freie Gemeinschaftliche Schule Maria Montessori” in Freiberg |
2008–2014 | Degree course and 1st state exam at University of Greifswald |
- Supervision of the school practical exercises for geography
- Education for sustainable development
- out-of-school learning locations
- tasks and transformative learning
- geographical textbook research
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Ines Röhrborn
Grundschuldidaktik Sachunterricht
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 15 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Since Aug 2020 | School teacher seconded to the University at the ZLSB (TU Dresden) and the Chair of Primary Education/Social Studies and Science Education |
2016–2020 | Teacher of art, maths, German and social studies/science education at the “Grundschule” (elementary school) in Naußlitz, Dresden |
2015–2016 | Preparatory teaching traineeship and 2nd state exam at the “Grundschule” (elementary school) in Niederlößnitz, Radebeul |
2009–2014 | Teacher training degree course for elementary schools (art, maths, social studies/science education, German) and 1st state exam at TU Dresden |
- Ulrike Lang/Ines Röhrborn: Maintaining Student-Teacher Relationships in Digital Learning Environments: Experiences from Selected Schools in Saxony/Germany. Conference paper: 7th International Forum on Teacher Education, KFU, May 2021.
- Practical school exercises in the subject of “GSD” (elementary school didactics) – social studies/science education
- Block internship B with focus on “GSD” (elementary school didactics) – social studies/science education
- Dimensions and perspectives of social studies/science education
- Contents and conceptions of social studies/science education
- “BQL” “GSD” (elementary school didactics) – social studies/science education
- Mentor qualification (Mentos)
- Education for sustainable development / Project in the supplementary area: Future ambassadors
- Early education
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMr Michael Schröder
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 30 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Since 08/2022 | Lehrer im Hochschuldienst |
03/2019 – 07/2022 |
Studienrat am Gymnasium Bürgerwiese in den Fächern Mathematik und Physik |
08/2017 – 02/2019 |
Lehrkraft am Gymnasium Bürgerwiese in den Fächern Mathematik und Physik |
08/2015 – 07/2017 | 24-monatiger Vorbereitungsdienst für das höhere Lehramt an Gymnasien |
04/2013 – 03/2015 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der TU Dresden, Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Fachrichtung Mathematik, Institut für wissenschaftliches Rechnen |
- Schulpraktische Übungen für das Fach Mathematik
- Blockpraktikum B für das Fach Mathematik
- Seminar Planung und Gestaltung von Mathematikunterricht
- Seminar Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie
- Mentorenqualifizierung
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMr Wolf Spalteholz
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 30 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Since 08/2022 |
Lehrer im Hochschuldienst |
08/2017 – 08/2022 | Fachkoordinator für den Seiteneinstieg in das Lehramt Informatik an der TU Dresden |
07/2017 – since 08/2022 abeyant | Fachberater für Gymnasien der SBAD im Fach Informatik |
08/2014 – since 08/2022 abeyant | Lehrer für die Fächer Mathematik, Informatik und Technik/Computer am Gymnasium Bürgerwiese Dresden |
08/2012 – 07/2014 | Studienreferendar für das höhere Lehramt an Gymnasien in den Fächern Mathematik und Informatik am Gymnasium Dresden Klotzsche |
08/2009 – 07/2012 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt UnIbELT an der TU Dresden (Fakultät Informatik / Institut Software- und Multimediatechnik / Arbeitsgruppe „Didaktik der Informatik / Lehrerbildung“) |
03/2003 – 07/2009 | Studium für das höhere Lehramt an Gymnasien in den Fächern Mathematik und Informatik an der TU-Dresden |
Mathematik für Lehramtsstudierende Informatik
Schulpraktische Übungen für das Fach Informatik
Blockpraktikum B für das Fach Informatik
School teacher seconded to the university
NameMs Annett Wrede
Grundschuldidaktik Deutsch
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 15 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Since Aug 2021 | School teacher seconded to the university at the ZLSB (TU Dresden) and the Chair of Elementary School Pedagogy/German |
2019–2021 | Teacher of German, mathematics, social studies/science education and art at the “Grundschulen” (elementary schools) in Gröditz and Radebeul-Niederlößnitz |
2020 | Head of individual subject training German, Dresden training center |
2017–2019 | Preparatory teacher traineeship and 2nd state examination at the 70th “Grundschule” (elementary school) in Dresden |
2016–2018 | Research assistant, elementary school pedagogy for German in the lateral entry program |
2012–2016 | Degree program teacher training at elementary schools (German//maths//social studies/science education//art) and 1st state exam at TU Dresden |
“SDD” (Symposium for German Didactics) (from 1 Jan, 2022)
- School practical exercises as well as block internship B, “GSD-German” (elementary school didactics German), core subject German
- Mentor qualification (Mentos)
- Authors’ rounds
- Writing conferences
- Lectures and discussions on spelling