Nov 08, 2022
International Lecture Series "Educational Systems in (Trans)Formation – Facing the global Challenges" continued in the summer semester 2022
What are the key challenges for teacher education in different countries? Which are the similarities and characteristics of school and teacher education in an international perspective and how do schools and universities deal with the current challenges in the field of teaching sustainability? These were some of the key questions addressed and discussed in the international and virtual lecture series "Educational Systems in (Trans)formation - facing the global challenges". The course has been redesigned under the direction of Prof. Dr Axel Gehrmann and Dr Yi Li to be offered in the summer semester of 2022. Its contents are based on the course of the similar subject, which already ran in the winter semester of 2020/21.
The course enabled students from the participating universities (Tokyo Gakugei University, Pennsylvania State University and TU Dresden) to discover education systems abroad, to gain an international perspective on teacher training and educational research, and to learn about everyday school life in different countries. As a result of working in multicultural teams, the participants were able to develop their cultural awareness and competence in addition to their professional knowledge. Students of all teacher training programmes had the opportunity to take the course as a subject module in educational science or for credit in the supplementary studies.
On the Lecture Series website you can access the (school) presentations.
Note: For research and teaching purposes, password-protected content on this website can also be accessed. Please contact with a request for this if you are interested.