Jun 28, 2023
TU Dresden's Connecting Office for Teacher Training for regional and cross-phase networking continues its work
Since 2019, the ZLSB's Teacher Training Connecting Office has been dedicated to networking and cooperation with schools and other non-university educational stakeholders in rural areas, as well as cooperation between university teacher training and the second phase of teacher training, the preparatory service. Following the end of funding as part of the Federal and State governments' "Teacher Training Quality Initiative" as part of the TUD-Sylber project, the work of the connecting office can now be continued with financial support from the Saxon State Ministry of Science. As a new member of staff in the Connecting Office, Oda Schlünz will take up the reins from July in order to bundle, further develop and consolidate the collaborations that have been established over the past four years and to implement new ideas.
Everyone involved benefits from intensive networking between the university and regional education stakeholders: schools in rural areas can demonstrate to prospective teachers that they are an attractive place to work in the future. Schools and student teachers get to know each other at an early stage through internships, work shadowing and excursions. In this way, the cooperation can promote the recruitment of urgently needed teachers in rural regions. At the same time, cooperation with schools and extracurricular places of learning helps to enrich the course with additional references to school practice and to give students insights and practical experience in the desired professional field. The Connecting Office maintains an extensive cooperation network and initiates and arranges collaborations, for example between lecturers at TU Dresden and committed teachers in the region.
In addition to networking with partners in the focus regions of Upper Lusatia and the Ore Mountains, the connecting office is dedicated to strengthening cross-institutional networking between teacher training and preparatory service. The aim of the cooperation between TU Dresden and the State Office for Schools and Education (LaSuB) with its teacher training institutions is to increase cross-phase coherence in teacher training. In this area of activity, the various contacts between LaSuB and TU Dresden are to be taken up and existing approaches to exchange and cooperation are to be strengthened and systematized. The common goal is a coherent qualification across all phases, in which the transitions between the phases are not experienced as breaks. Rather, the aim is to enable continuous skills development across the phases of teacher training, which does not end with the completion of the traineeship, but is continued in teacher training.
Oda Schlünz is the new contact person in the Teacher Training Connecting Office. She is a qualified teacher of German and ethics and has several years of professional experience at grammar schools in Saxony. As a Research Associate in the TUD-Sylber project, she has been helping to shape teacher training at TU Dresden from a didactic perspective since 2019. Under the title "Learning Landscape Saxony", she has dedicated herself to extracurricular and interdisciplinary learning and therefore has numerous contacts to schools, extracurricular learning locations and initiatives in the regions around the university location Dresden.
Research associate
NameMs Oda Schlünz
Liaison office for teacher training
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
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01217 Dresden