TUD Dresden University of Technology
TUD Dresden University of Technology is one of the largest Universities of Technology in Germany and is among the leading and most dynamic universities in the country. With 17 Faculties across five Schools, it offers a widespread range of 119 degree programs and covers a broad spectrum of research. Its focuses on Life Sciences, Quantum Materials, Microelectronics, Tactile Internet, Materials Science, Data-Intensive and Digital Sciences, Circular Economy and Societal Change are considered exemplary across Europe.
About 30,000 students are enrolled at TUD. Internationally, TUD has earned an excellent reputation. About 18% of its students come from abroad. Today, about 9,000 employees from 89 countries work at TU Dresden.
In January 2019, three new Clusters of Excellence commenced work: PoL – Physics of Life explores the principles behind the dynamic organization of living matter; ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter designs novel quantum materials for revolutionary high tech of tomorrow; and CeTI – Center for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop pursues the vision of enabling humans to interact in real-time with cyber-physical systems over intelligent wide-area communication networks. Moreover, TU Dresden receives funding for its Excellence Proposal “TUD 2028 – Synergy and Beyond.”
Since 2012, TUD has been one of the eleven German Universities of Excellence. It has achieved success with its Institutional Strategy, two Clusters of Excellence (cfaed and CRTD) as well as the Graduate School DIGSBB.