Table of contents
The institute organises and co-organises various workshops, seminars, conferences and colloquia concerning current topics of concrete structures.
Dresden Bridge Building Symposium (DBBS)

Dresden Bridge Building Symposium 2023 at Messe Dresden
The Dresden Bridge Building Symposium takes place annually. With visitor rates in the four-digit range remaining stable for years, it is an ideal meeting place for the exchange of experience on the planning, construction, repair and strengthening of bridges for all those involved and interested in construction. Save the date for the 35th DBBS on March 18/19, 2025 at Messe Dresden. Further information about the conference series, the Call for paper for DBBS 2026 (deadline 22.08.2025), abd about previous events, can be found here.
Symposium Experimental Studies of Building Constructions (SEUB)

SEUB at TU Dresden
The SEUB takes place every two years, initially in September and since 2019 together with the Dresden Bridge Building Symposium. Information on past events can be found here. The 14th SEUB is planned for March 2027.
8th SMAR 2026
The 8th SMAR conference – International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment, and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures – will take place in August 2026 on the TU Dresden campus. Further information can be found here.
fib Symposium 2027
The fib SYMPOSIUM 2027 of the fib - Fédération Internationale du Béton findet will take place in Dresden (Saxony) in early summer 2027. Further information can be found here.
Past events
Information on past events of the Institute can be found here.