Dresden Bridge Building Symposium
Table of contents
Next event: March 19/20, 2025
The overview of the days is as follows:
March 19, 2025
- 09.00 - 17.00 | 13th Symposium on Experimental Investigations of Building Structures (SEUB)
Link: https://tu-dresden.de/bu/bauingenieurwesen/imb/das-institut/veranstaltungen/SEUB - 18.00 - 22.30 | Award Deutscher Brückenbaupreis 2025
Link: https://www.brueckenbaupreis.de/
and exhibition opening 34th DBBS
March 20, 2025
- 09.00 - 17.00 | 34th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium (DBBS) with company exhibition
Institute of Concrete Structures, Technische Universität Dresden, headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx
In cooperation with organizer:
Freunde des Bauingenieurwesens der TU Dresden e. V.
Bundesingenieurkammer e.V.
Verband Beratender Ingenieure VBI
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Event location
Messe Dresden
Messering 6, 01067 Dresden (Germany)
Please use the well-developed services of the Dresden public transport companies as well as the Deutsche Bahn for a stress-free journey to Messe Dresden. Messe Dresden offers its visitors sufficient parking facilities – including a charging station (with two parking spaces) for e-mobility. For those arriving by car, please use parking lot P7 (self-pay basis).
You can download the program leaflet for the 34th Dresden Bridge Building Symposium here.
Mittwoch, 19. März 2025 | Deutscher Brückenbaupreis 2025
17:00 | Einlass und Anmeldung |
18:00 | Preisverleihung mit Empfang und Austellungseröffnung Infos unter: www.brueckenbaupreis.de |
22:00 | Ende |
Donnerstag, 20. März 2025 | Symposium
08:00 | Einlass und Anmeldung |
09:00 | Beginn Symposium | Moderation Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx, TU Dresden, Institut für Massivbau Begrüßung |
09:10 | Der Einsturz der Carolabrücke und die Folgen MR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gero Marzahn, Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur, Bonn |
09:30 | Messen statt Schätzen – Erfahrungen aus aktuellen Bauwerksuntersuchungen Christina Fritsch, M. Sc., MKP GmbH, Weimar |
09:50 |
Bruchmechanische Berechnungen zur Bestimmung sicherer Betriebszeitintervalle bei Bahnbrücken aus Stahl Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Mensinger, TU München, Lehrstuhl für Metallbau |
10:10 | Innovative Ansätze für das Bauwerksmonitoring im Netz der ASFINAG DI Dr. Dominik Prammer, ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH Wien; DI Dr. Alois Vorwagner, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Wien |
10:35 | Pause |
11:20 | Brückenschlag zur Verkehrswende – warum Empathie im Ingenieurbau zählt Dipl.-Ing. (Architekt), Dipl.-Ing. (Bauingenieur), RIBA Bartlomiej Halaczek, Knight Architects, London |
11:40 | Brücken aus wasserbaulicher Sicht Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Reinhard Pohl, TU Dresden, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik |
12:00 | Donaubrücke Linz – eine besondere Brücke für einen besonderen Ort Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Keil, sbp SE, Stuttgart |
12:25 | Pause |
13:55 | Preisverleihung zum studentischen Wettbewerb „Entwurf einer ressourceneffizienten Geh- und Radwegbrücke am Südpark in Dresden“ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx, TU Dresden, Institut für Massivbau |
14:10 | A 39 Ilmenaubrücke Lüneburg nach neuer BEM-ING Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Bussler, WTM Engineers GmbH, Hamburg |
14:30 | Ersatzneubau der Eisenbahnüberführung Süderelbe Dipl.-Ing. Stefanie Heser, DB InfraGO AG, Hamburg |
14:50 | Weiterentwicklung von modularen Fertigteillösungen im Brückenbau Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Flederer und Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Bösche, HTW Dresden |
15:15 | Pause |
16:00 | Entwurf, Planung und Konstruktion von LT-Brücken O.Univ.Prof.em. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Johann Kollegger und Dipl.-Ing. Franz Untermarzoner, FB Stahlbeton- und Massivbau, TU Wien |
16:20 | Eine 1 Kilometer lange Behelfsbrücke für den Südschnellweg Hannover Dr.-Ing. Waldemar Krakowski, Emch+Berger Projekt GmbH, Hannover; Lothar Weinreich, Niedersächsische Landesbehörde für Straßenbau und Verkehr, Hannover |
16:40 | Rückbau der längsten Schrägseilbrücke in Deutschland Daniel Haussner, M. Eng. und Dr. Bernd Püstow, HOCHTIEF Infrastructure GmbH, Essen |
17:00 |
Diskussion und Schlusswort |
17:10 | Ende der Veranstaltung |
Please note: The symposium is a German-language event. There may be occasional presentations in English.
This event is recognized by the Chamber of Engineers Saxony as further training with 6 UE.
Ticket overview
13. Symposium Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Baukonstruktionen (SEUB) - 19.03.2025, 09.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
- 140,00 Euro per person (early bird, from 20.02.2025: 160,00 Euro per person)
- 0,00 Euro for speaker and one co-author per presentation
- 20,00 Euro for students (certificate of enrollment must be presented)
Deutscher Brückenbaupreis (DBBP) 2025 - 19.03.2025, starting 18.00 p.m.
- free of charge, but registration required
34. Dresdner Brückenbausymposium (DBBS) - 20.03.2025, 09.00 a.m. - 17.15 p.m.
- 250,00 Euro per person (early bird, from 20.02.2025: 270,00 Euro per person)
- 20,00 Euro for students (certificate of enrollment must be presented)
- 0,00 Euro for speaker and one co-author per presentation
- 0,00 Euro for up to two persons per company exhibitors
- 0,00 Euro for press (only valid with press card)
Combi ticket: participation in 13. SEUB, DBBP and 34. DBBS
- 350,00 Euro per person (early bird, from 20.02.2025: 370,00 Euro per person)
- 40,00 Euro for students (certificate of enrollment must be presented)
The conference fee is VAT-exempt in accordance with § 4 No. 22 UStG. Prices include refreshments during breaks.
The company Intercom Dresden GmbH has been commissioned as a service provider for participation registration. Registration is only possible online via the following link:
You can find a selection of accommodation options on the following Website: https://www.dresden.de/de/tourismus/buchen/uebernachtung.php
Exhibitor and company participation
Overview advertising partners November 2024 follows.
Company exhibition and advertising in the conference documents
Every year, more than 90 companies and institutions take the opportunity to present themselves to the professional audience within the framework of the symposium. We offer:
- Exhibition stand during the event
- Advertisements in the conference proceedings (circulation approx. 1600)
- Advertising material in conference bag, e.g.: flyers/leaflets and give aways (circulation approx. 1600)
For further information and registration please use the Selfservice Portal only: link follows.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr.-Ing. Harald Michler.
All information is subject to approval of the event of this kind by Messe Dresden!
Press material
Contact public relations
We are happy to support you with your reporting, requests for the use of image and logo material or your exhibition presentation!
Contact person organization management
Jana Strauch – e-mail preferred!
Phone: +49 351 463-33079
Contact person exhibition management
Dr.-Ing. Harald Michler – e-mail preferred!
Phone: +49 351 463-32 550
Follow us
Free use is possible for your reporting on the Dresden Bridge Building Symposium, the image source (Stefan Gröschel, Technische Universität Dresden) must be quoted.
Further Dates
34th DBBS | 19./20. March 2025 |
35th DBBS | 18./19. March 2026 |
36th DBBS | 10./11. March 2027 |
37th DBBS | 15./16. March 2028 |
38th DBBS | 14./15. March 2029 |
39th DBBS | 13./14. March 2030 |
40th DBBS | 12./13. March 2031 |
41th DBBS | 10./11. March 2032 |
42th DBBS | 16./17. March 2033 |
43th DBBS | 15./16. March 2034 |
44th DBBS | 14./15. March2035 |
Information on past events:
1.–9. DBBS, 10.–19. DBBS, 20.–29. DBBS, 30.–33. DBBS.
Useful links/press
- Nicolas Janbergs Structuare – database for buildings, civil engineers, architects, construction companies ... structurae.net
- Platform bauingenieur24.de/
German Bridge Construction Prize http://www.brueckenbaupreis.de/
- Search engine for bridge construction brueckenbau-links.de
- Information on bridges and related topics brueckenweb.de
- Links on bridge construction, bridge examples ingenieurbauwerke.de