Multiaxial strength of HPLWC
Table of contents
Project data
Titel | Title Materialverhalten von Hochleistungsleichtbeton (HLLB) unter mehraxialer Belastung | Material behaviour of high performance lightweight aggregate concrete (HPLWC) under multi-axial loading Förderer | Funding Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Zeitraum | Period 09/2001 – 06/2006 Leiter | Project manager Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Curbach Bearbeiterin | Contributor Dipl.-Ing. Silke Scheerer |
High-performance lightweight aggregate concrete combines low dead weight and high strength. It is therefore becoming increasingly established in high-rise building and bridge construction. However, knowledge about the behaviour of lightweight concrete and high-performance lightweight concrete under multi-axial loading is incomplete. There are isolated research results regarding the multi-axial strength of normal-strength lightweight concrete, but due to the known differences between normal-strength concrete and high-performance concrete, it is assumed that these findings cannot be transferred to high-performance lightweight concrete. Therefore, the fracture and deformation behaviour under multi-axial compressive loading was determined for the lightweight concretes with compressive strengths between 50 and 75 N/mm² that are increasingly used in practice. Special attention was paid to the description of the failure envelope and the stress-strain behaviour. The application of known mathematical models was tested and an existing fracture criterion was varied and calibrated on the determined material parameters.