Table of contents
Project information
Methods and tools for design and fabrication of shell-like and thin-walled concrete structures with line geometry. Short title: Thin-walled concrete structures with line geometry
Antragsteller 1 | Applicant 1: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Lordick
Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Geometrie, 01062 Dresden
+49 351 463 34193 | daniel.lordick@tu-dresden.de | https://tu-dresden.de/mn/math/geometrie/lordick
Berichts-/Förderzeitraum | Reporting/funding period: 01.02.2015–31.12.2019
Antragsteller 2 | Applicant 2: Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Mike Schlaich
TU Berlin, Institut für Bauingenieurwesen, Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Konstruieren – Massivbau, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin
+49 30 314 72130 | ek-massivbau@tu-berlin.de | https://www.ek-massivbau.tu-berlin.de
Berichts-/Förderzeitraum | Reporting/funding period: 01.07.2015–31.12.2018
Projektnummer | Project number: 198226551
Team | Team: Juan Pablo Osman-Letelier (TU Berlin), Michael Pott (TU Dresden, 02/2015–06/2016), Kevin Noack (TU Dresden, 04/2017–09/2017), Martin Friedrich Eichenauer (TU Dresden, 10/2017–03/2019), Robert Päßler (TU Dresden, 10/2017–03/2019), Arndt Goldack (TU Berlin)
- Pott, M.; Lordick, D.: Dual Spherical Energy Minimizer With Application To Smoothing Splines. In: Han, B.; Fan, H.; Lin, J.; Luo, X. (Hrsg.): Proc. of the 17th Int. Conf. on Geometry and Graphics, 04.–08.08.2016 in Beijing (China), 2016. Paper #131, 9 S. (published on USB flash drive), book of abstracts: S. 85–87
- Osman-Letelier, J. P.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M.; Lordick, D.; Grave., J.: Shape optimization of concrete shells with ruled surface geometry using line geometry. In: Bögle, A.; Grohmann, M. (Eds.): Interfaces: architecture.engineering.science – Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2017, 25.–28.9.2017 in Hamburg, Hamburg: HCU & IASS, 2017, book of abstracts: p. 128, full paper published digitally: paper no. 9199, 10 S.
- Noack, K.; Eichenauer, M. F.; Lordick, D.: Geometrical Optimization of Interconnected Voids in Concrete Ceilings. In: Stojaković, V. (Hrsg.): Conf. Proc. of moNGeometrija 2018, 07.–09.06.2016 in Novi Sad (Serbien), 2018, S. 104–116
- Noack, K. ; Lordick, D.: Optimized Ruled Surfaces with an Application to Thin-Walled Concrete Shells. In: Cocchiarella, L. (Hrsg.): ICGG 2018 – Proc. of the 18th Int. Conf. on Geometry and Graphics / 40th Anniversary, 03.–07.08.2018 in Mailand (Italien), Springer International Publ., 2018, S. 338–349
- Osman-Letelier, J. P.; Goldack, A.; Schlaich, M.; Serrano, M.; Conceptual design of concrete shell bridges with ruled surface geometry. In: Mueller, C.; Adriaenssens, S. (Hrsg.): Creativity in Structural Design – Proc. of the IASS Annual Symp. 2019, 16.–20.07.2018 am MIT, Boston (USA), 2018, paper no. 356, 8 S.
- Päßler, R.; Lordick, D.: Material Models of Ruled Surfaces as Witnesses to the Development of Mathematical Teaching. IIn: Cocchiarella, L. (Hrsg.): ICGG 2018 – Proc. of the 18th Int. Conf. on Geometry and Graphics / 40th Anniversary, 03.–07.08.2018 in Mailand (Italien), Springer International Publ., 2018, S. 2041–2050
- Lehrecke, J.; Osman-Letelier, J. P.; Schlaich, M.: Tendon Geometry Optimization Using Path Integrals. In: Lázaro, C.; Bletzinger, K.-U.; Oñate, E. (Hrsg.): Form and Force – Proc. of the IASS Annual Symp. 2019 / Structural Membranes 2019, 07.–10.10.2019 in Barcelona (Spanien), 2019, S. 2076–2083
- Osman-Letelier, J. P.; Hückler, A.; Schlaich, M.: Application of Prestressed CFRP Textiles for the Development of Thin-Walled Concrete Structural Elements. In: The Envolving Metropolis – Proc. of the 2019 IABSE Congress, 04.–06.09.2019 in New York City (USA), 2019, S. 102–109 – DOI: 10.2749/newyork.2019.0102
- Osman-Letelier, J. P.; Lehrecke, J.; Schlaich, M.: Structural Optimization of Prestressed Concrete Shells with Ruled Surface Geometry. In: Lázaro, C.; Bletzinger, K.-U.; Oñate, E. (Hrsg.): Form and Force – Proc. of the IASS Annual Symp. 2019 / Structural Membranes 2019, 07.–10.10.2019 in Barcelona (Spanien), 2019, S. 2622–2629
- Final report: https://doi.org/10.25368/2022.341