KOMPASS - Development and Change Processes of Everyday Mobility in Regional Future Labs
Project Description
The project addresses the question of the strategic orientation of mobility measures in region-specific future labs for selected target groups, which data analyses show to be particularly promising for behavioural change, particularly relevant due to group size, or particularly at risk for mobility exclusion. Read more about the detailed project description here.
Regional Future Labs Mobility
The regional future labs closely examine the mobility behaviour in the Rhine-Main area as well as the Augsburg region. We have already successfully held three future labs in the Rhine-Main area and three in the Augsburg region e. g. to identify and discuss influencing factors of everyday and commuting mobility. The most important facts on mobility behaviour were in preparation for the regional future labs explained in a short factsheet. The results of the regional future labs in both study areas were summarised in a policy letter as recommendations for action in the form of a clear practical guide.
The most important findings and the documentation of the regional future lab are summarised in a short report.
Report 1st Regional Future Lab
Keynote speeches:
- Autos für alle? Trends und Perspektiven der Automobilität in Deutschland (Prof. Dr. Tobias Kuhnimhof, RWTH Aachen)
Presentation slides - Projektvorstellung (PD Dr. Rico Wittwer, TU Dresden)
Presentation slides - Veränderungen der Alltagsmobilität im Zeitverlauf (PD Dr. Rico Wittwer, TU Dresden)
Presentation slides - Mobilität in Zeiten von Corona: Was uns die Daten sagen (Robert Follmer, Dana Gruschwitz, infas)
Presentation slides -
Aktuelle Marktforschungsergebnisse zur Mobilität in Frankfurt RheinMain (Susanne Schubert – RMV, Andreas Maleika – traffiq)
Presentation slides
The most important findings and the documentation of the regional future lab are summarised in a short report.
Report 2nd Regional Future Lab
Keynote speeches:
- Identifizierung von Hebelfaktoren in der Alltagsmobilität (Prof. Dr. Tobias Hagen, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences)
Presentation slides - Mobilitätsverhalten im Rhein-Main-Gebiet (PD Dr. Rico Wittwer, TU Dresden)
Presentation slides - Aktuelle Mobilitätsentwicklungen und mögliche Zukunftsperspektiven in Frankfurt RheinMain (Susanne Schubert, Tristan Nagel, RMV)
Presentation slides
The most important findings and the documentation of the regional future lab are summarised in a short report.
Report 3rd Regional Future Lab
Keynote speeches:
- Verkannte Bedürfnisse? Was bei der Verkehrswende nicht klappt und was wir dagegen tun können (Robert Follmer, infas)
Presentation slides - Aktuelle Entwicklungen Frankfurt RheinMain – Zentrale Ergebnisse der RMV-Marktforschung 2023 (Susanne Schubert, RMV)
Presentation slides - Perspektiven nachhaltigen Mobilitätswandels in Frankfurt/RheinMain – Zentrale Ergebnisse aus der RMV-Community und Einzelinterviews mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern (Tristan Nagel, RMV)
Presentation slides
- "Nachhaltige Mobilität": Was soll das denn sein und wie schätzt man die Wirkungen von Maßnahmenpaketen ab? (Seniorprofessor Prof. Dr. Udo Becker)
Presentation slides - Projektvorstellung Kompass (PD Dr. Rico Wittwer, TU Dresden)
Presentation slides - Veränderungen der Alltagsmobilität im Zeitverlauf (PD Dr. Rico Wittwer, TU Dresden)
Presentation slides - Mobilität in Zeiten von Corona: Was uns die Daten sagen (Robert Follmer, Dana Gruschwitz, Marc Schelewsky infas)
Presentation slides
- Mobilität in bewegten Zeiten: Projektergebnisse aus der MOBICOR-Studie von 2020 bis 2022 für Bayern (Marc Schelewsky, infas)
Presentation slides - Mobilitätsverhalten im Raum Augsburg (PD Dr. Rico Wittwer, TU Dresden)
Presentation slides - Pendeln verstehen: Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Projekt PendelLabor (Dr. Luca Nitschke, ISOE)
Presentation slides
- Verkannte Bedürfnisse? Was bei der Verkehrswende nicht klappt und was wir dagegen tun können (Robert Follmer, infas)
Presentation slides
Project Results, Publications, Information
This brief overview summarises basic interrelationships of mobility behaviour and its influencing variables and prepares them in factsheet format as a practical aid. The factsheet was published in preparation for the Future Labs.
- Factsheet: Factors influencing mobility behaviour
Due to the focus of the project, the factsheets are written in German language.
The research into innovative examples of mobility solutions to promote sustainable mobility has been incorporated into a synthesis report, which uses unique sources of information to provide a summarized overview of various good practice approaches. Among other things, the article deals with sharing solutions, innovative ticketing services in public transport, multimodal mobility platforms, approaches to integrated mobility and transport planning and development trends in electromobility in Germany and abroad.
Justin Treutlein (May 2024): Innovative mobility solutions, infas Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH
Synthesis report: "Innovative mobility solutions"
Within the framework of the project work, two effect models were calculated, which analyse the effects of various influencing variables on everyday mobility in the two laboratory areas (1) Rhine-Main region and (2) Augsburg. The dependent variables considered here are the daily trip frequencies in private motorised vehicle transport and in active mobility (walking and cycling).
The impact models are available for download below as .zip archive files:
- Effect Model Rhine-Main-Area
- Effect Model Augsburg
Due to the focus of the project, the factsheets are written in German language.
As part of the Kompass project, a professional article on continuous market and mobility data was produced using the "KoMM" market research study. This can be viewed and downloaded on the website of the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund Servicegesellschaft mbH, which is involved in the project.
Tristan Nagel, Susanne Schubert, Susanne Gilsdorf (2023): "Zehn Jahre nah am Menschen – RMV-Bevölkerungsbefragung KoMM" in: Der Nahverkehr, 10/2023
ÖPNV-Marktforschung / rms GmbH
As a result of six regional future labs in the Rhine-Main area and the region of Augsburg, recommendations for action were summarized in a clear practical handout. The policy letter is avaibale to view and download below.
Tristan Nagel, Susanne Schubert, Anna Schley, Matthias Rabe, Florian Schönherr, Rico Wittwer (2024): Policy-Brief: 20 Maßnahmen für eine nachhaltigere Alltagsmobilität. Handlungsempfehlungen als Ergebnis der regionalen Zukunftslabore "Kompass"
- Codebooks MiD-SrV-Dataset
- Codebooks SrV-Time-Series-Dataset
- Project information to Augsburg's SUMP
The Kompass-project generates input and data-driven knowledge about mobility behavoiur in Augsburg and is therefore connected to the development of Augsburg's SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan). For further information you can visit the Project website of Augsburg's SUMP. - Future on Sustainable Mobility (BeNaMo)
BeNaMo website: Kompass-Project - Funding measure "MobilitätsZukunftsLabor 2050" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Research for Sustainability (FONA) website
Contact and Further Information
The research project "Kompass: Development and Change Processes of Everyday Mobility in Regional Future Labs" is part of the funding measure "MobilitätsZukunftsLabor 2050" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It is being worked on in a project consortium together with the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (RMV), Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund Servicegesellschaft mbH (rms), the Institut für angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH (infas) and the Bavarian Ministry of Housing, Construction and Transport (StMB). With the city of Frankfurt and the city of Augsburg, the project also has direct contact opportunities in municipal practice.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:

Head of Research for Mobility Behavior and Traffic Planning
NamePD Dr.-Ing. habil. Rico Wittwer
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Gerhart-Potthoff-Bau, POT 204 Hettnerstraße 1
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Mon-Fri (by appointment only)
For further information see: Curriculum Vitae (CV) (deutsch)(english)(espanol)
Teaching | ||
Areas of Research | ||
Current Projects | ||
Completed Projects | ||
Curriculum Vitae | |
2018-present | Head of research field Mobility and Transport Planning, Chair for Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering (IVST), TU Dresden |
2015-present | Associate Professor for Research and Teaching at the Chair for Integrated transport Planning and Traffic Engineering (IVST), TU Dresden |
2015 | Teaching authorization (Venia legendi) and vocation as assistant professor at TU Dresden |
2014 | Habilitation (Facultas docendi) in the field of Traffic and Transport Planning |
2012-present | Annual Post-Doc-Teaching and research stays (until 2021: 17 months) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, TRANSyT - Centro de Investigación del Transporte, España |
2008 | Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.), University of Technology Dresden Title of the Dissertation: Influence of spatial structure on travel behavior – Usability of results gained by large-scale and local household surveys for macroscopic transport modelling |
2003–2015 | Research Associate at the Institute of Traffic Planning and Road Traffic, Chair for Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, University of Technology Dresden |
2001–2003 | Student Assisstant at the Institute of Traffic Planning and Road Traffic, Chair for Transportation and Infrastructure Planning, University of Technology Dresden |
1997–2003 | Course of Studies: Civil Engineering, University of Technology Dresden, Specialisation: Urban and Transport Planning, Degree: Graduate engineer (Dipl.-Ing.) |
A Selection of Publications | ||
Committee Work | ||

Research Associate
NameDipl.-Ing. Florian Schönherr
Betrieblicher Ersthelfer
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Gerhart-Potthoff-Bau, POT 215 Hettnerstraße 1
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
Mon-Fri (by appointment only)
Teaching |
Areas of Research | |
Current Projects |
Werdegang | |
seit 2023 |
Research Associate for the Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU Dresden |
2022 | Internship, Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU Dresden |
2020–2023 | Student Assistant for the Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU Dresden |
2016–2023 | Studies in Transport Engineering, Field of Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering, TU Dresden |