Information for incoming students
Do you come from abroad and want to study at the Faculty of Business and Economics? Here you find helpful information about the application for admission and studying at our faculty.
We welcome all new international students to our faculty!
Your Contacts

Andrea Thiele
Incomings; Cooperation Agreements
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visitor's Address:
Hülße-Bau, HÜL 403 (north wing) Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Not available Feb 14-18, 2022
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 09:00 - 14:00
- personal meetings by appointment only
Information from the Faculty of Business and Economics
Personal appointments are possible Mondays / Thursdays between 8-13 at HÜL 403. Please send an email to make an appointment.
Please take advantage of the offer of our WiWi tutors, who provide helpful advice on organizing your study and exams in various tutorials.
Please refer to our Academic Calendar for important dates during your study.
Important information is also given in the following video:
The Learning Agreement (LA) specifies the modules you attend and which you would like to receive credit for at your home university. Please note: you specify the modules, not the courses! A module may consist of several courses and/or have several exams. Information on our modules can be found in our module handbooks (Bachelor /Master) and the timetables (listing all lectures that are part of the module).
Please note:
Any LA signed before the official course registration is considered provisionally. Therefore, you must hand in an updated LA (mandatory!) after the start of your studies for final validation. This should be done as soon as possible after course registration. The latest possible date for changing your LA is April 30 (summer) or October 31 (winter). After that date, changes will not be accepted anymore. You may hand in your LA by email or personally at our office.
The reason for the provisionally signed LA is that our course offer is published only shortly before the semester starts. Moreover, some of our lectures have limited availability (e.g., seminars/projects) - attendance cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, it might well be that you will not or cannot sign up for exactly the same modules as noted in your initial LA. Therefore, if possible, please wait until the course registration to fill in your learning agreement. If your home university requires you to provide a signed learning agreement before the mobility (so before the course registration), we will sign the document, but again, please do not consider it as an engagement of our part to guarantee you a place.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The module guide contains all modules offered for the Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Many modules are offered either in the summer or winter semester. This should be taken into account when choosing a module. Whether only Bachelor's or also Master's courses may be taken depends on the agreement with the home university.
Please note: not all modules are available for exchange students. If you have questions regarding your choice of modules, please contact us. The current timetable is published a few weeks before the semester starts. Modules available for exchange students are marked with an asterisk (*) at the end of the line.
Please note that for some modules several lectures have to be attended in order to successfully pass the corresponding exam(s). This applies in particular to the following modules (all offered in German):
WW-BA-EBWL - Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Organisation (Winter)
- Einführung in die technologieorientierte BWL and Organisation
WW-BA-GREW - Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens (Winter)
- Buchführung and Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
WW-BA-PRLG - Produktion und Logistik (Winter)
- Einführung in die Produktion and Einführung in die Logistik
WW-BA-JIFI - Jahresabschluss, Investition und Finanzierung (Summer)
- Jahresabschluss and Investition und Finanzierung
WW-BA-MNUF - Marketing und Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung (Summer)
- Marketing Grundlagen and Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung
English courses are also available. However, please note that many of these courses have limited places - your timely registration (through OPAL) is recommended. Most of the courses are available for Master's students only - if the agreement with your home university does not include the Master's level, you are not eligible to attend Master's courses. We expect a B1 level in German (mandatory!) from our exchange students.
Our Studium Generale also offers interesting courses for students of all faculties. The program is usually updated shortly before the start of the semester.
An overview of available language courses can be found in the Module Guide. Please refer to the module description - to pass a language module, usually at least two language courses have to be successfully completed. Information on the respective language courses is available on the TUDIAS pages - enrollment for the courses is done via OPAL. Please also note that you may take a maximum of two language modules (10 ECTS in total).
Information on exams for language courses (especially exam numbers/exam times) can be found on the Examinations Office page.
Exam Registration
Examination registration takes place via the SELMA portal (instruction). If you have any problems with your exam registration, please contact our Exam Office.
Contact Exam Office:
- HÜL N 102b (personal consultation by appointment)
- by phone: 0351 - 463 32757
(Tuesday: 2 p.m. - 3p.m./Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 11 a.m./Thurdsay: 10 a.m. - 12 a.m.) - by e-mail via our ticket system. Please tick "Wirtschaftswissenschaften" and "International Students".
Language courses must be registered directly with TUDIAS. If you are taking courses at other faculties and would like them to be included in your Transcript of Records, please submit the Proof of Examination.
Exam Dates
On the pages of the examination office, you will find information regarding examination dates. Please note that they are sorted by different categories - if necessary, please check all files to find your exam.
At our faculty, there is a so-called core examination period (“Kernprüfungszeit”). Exams during this period usually have to be registered for in June (summer semester) or December (winter semester). Occasionally, exams are scheduled earlier (“vorgezogene Prüfungen”): they take place before the core examination period or that early registration is required. This applies in particular to seminars and projects. For the early exams, registration takes place earlier: usually already in the first four weeks of the semester, i.e., in April (summer semester) or October (winter semester). Please inform yourself timely about the registration deadlines applicable to your modules. Do not hesitate to ask us about this - it is better to ask once too often than not to be admitted for an exam.
Our faculty has a very dedicated student council happy to provide advice and support to our domestic students and exchange students. Just have a look at the website of the FSR WiWi.
Information from the International Office at TU Dresden (IO)
General information regarding
- application
- accommodation
- support
can be found at the pages of our International Office at TU Dresden.
Our International Office also offers a factsheet with all important information at a glance.
The International Office employs tutors who provide support before and during the semester. This includes various events, such as an information day or campus tour. These events prepare students for their studies at TU Dresden and give them the opportunity to get to know other exchange students. The tutors can be contacted by email at any time. The contact details for students of the Faculty of Economics can be found here.