
© Klaus Gigga

© Klaus Gigga

© Klaus Gigga
Get a sketch of the core PIE lecturers on this page! Committed to constructive, mindful, and research-oriented learning environments, they are looking forward to welcoming you in class!
Learn more about them by visiting their websites at the respective Chair or the Center of Public and International Economics, the platform for policy-oriented economic research at TU Dresden.
Prof. Kamila Cygan-Rehm
I joined the Faculty as a professor of Quantitative Methods, esp. Econometrics in October 2023. My research focuses on the econometric evaluation of public policies in the areas of labor, education, health, and population economics. In the PIE Master, I teach empirical methods and special courses in applied econometrics.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Eichler
I am a professor of International Monetary Economics. My research focuses on financial stability, exchange rates, international investment, and monetary policy. In the PIE Master, I cover these issues in my courses on International Financial Markets, Exchange Rates, and Financial Crises.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kemnitz
Since 2006, I have been a professor of Economic Policy and Economic Research. My research centers around human capital issues with an applied-theoretical focus. In the PIE Master, I regularly teach theoretical foundations and migration-related topics.
Prof. Dr. Artem Korzhenevych
I joined the faculty as a professor of Environmental, Urban and Regional Economics in 2014. My research centers around regional economic dynamics, urbanization challenges as well as sustainability-oriented innovation. In the PIE Master, I teach applied economic modelling.
Prof. Dr. Christian Leßmann
I am a professor of International Economics, and my research concerns regional economics in developing countries. I aim to leverage satellite data and other geo-referenced geophysical data to study urban growth, health, etc. In the PIE Master, I teach development and empirical methods.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Valentin Lindlacher
I have been a junior professor in International Economic Policy since 2022. My research deals with geospatial data and technologies in developing countries. In the PIE Master, I cover courses on the micro foundations of development economics and on geo-information systems (GIS).
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schipp
I am professor of Econometrics. My main topics of research are Quantitative Risk Management and Health Econometrics. My teaching in the PIE Master includes the foundations in Microeconometrics.
Prof. Dr. Marcel Thum
I am a Professor of Public Economics at TU Dresden and director of the Dresden branch of the ifo Institute for Economic Research. My current academic research centers around policy making in the absence of a global government, such as climate change, resource conflicts, etc.