Aptitude Assessment

© PantherMedia / Yuri Arcurs

© Michael Kretschmar

© PantherMedia / Andriy Popov
You are cordially invited to apply for the Master's program in Public and International Economics! We will gladly accept you to our program provided you dispose of the required qualifications for study.
According to the Aptitude Assessment Regulations, these requirements are:
- Owning a first university degree in Economics or a related field of study recognized in Germany or a degree from a state or state-recognized university of cooperative education in economics,
- Proficiency in English according to the level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,
- Proof of particular aptitude for the program by demonstration of:
- 35 credit points (ECTS) earned in economics with a good average grade.
- 15 credit points (ECTS) earned in quantitative methods (Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, e.g.).
The following information will guide you through the steps of the aptitude assessment. For the application to the program itself, please visit the website Online Application and follow the instructions there.

© Amac Garbe

© PantherMedia / Arne Trautmann

© PantherMedia / ArturVerkhovetskiy
- Collect or fill the following documents. They must all be provided in either German or English. Moreover, you have to add all documents not written in German or English in the original language.
- Application form for the aptitude test for the Master's program in Public and International Economics,
- curriculum vitae outlining, in particular, your academic career to date,
- informal letter of motivation explaining your desire and fitness for studying the program,
- two references able to provide information on request about your particular aptitude,
- copy of your first university degree, or, if the first university degree is not available, a certificate from your home university (examination office) that you have earned 80 percent of your current degree program's credit points. These 80 percent must stem from completed module examinations and/or the thesis.
- copies of additional certificates and proofs (module descriptions or similar summaries of content) substantiating your particular aptitude,
- proof of the required English language skills by a relevant examination certificate or language certificate, e.g.:
- Certificate of general or subject-specific university entrance qualification (Hochschulreife) if you attended the foreign language English for at least six grades,
- Certificate of university entrance qualification completed entirely in English,
- Certificate of a higher education degree completed entirely in English,
- English language certificates like TOEFL (at least 72) or IELTS (at least 5.5).
- Make sure that your application is complete, containing your application number from the online application whenever requested! We will only process applications received in full before the deadline!
- Submit on time to the right address! Different regulations apply, depending on your nationality and where you received your university entry qualification and first university degree. See the box below!
- If you acquired a first university degree in Germany either as a German citizen or as a foreign citizen with German Abitur, you must apply at:
Technische Universität Dresden
Admissions Office
01062 Dresden
- If you acquired a first university degree in Germany as a foreign citizen who passed the university entry qualification outside Germany, you must apply at:
Technische Universität Dresden
International Office
01062 Dresden
- In both cases, the application deadline each year is July 15th.
If you have acquired your first university degree abroad, you must apply at
If you are a non-EU citizen, your application deadline is May 31st each year. Otherwise, it is July 15th each year.
We recommend you submit your documents as prompt as possible to get an early response from the Admissions Committee!

© TU Dresden

© Crispin-Iven Mokry

© PantherMedia / filmfoto
- The Admissions Committee will inform you of its decision and send a Certificate of Aptitude in case of approval. A copy of this certificate will be forwarded to the Academic or International Office of TU Dresden jointly with your application files.
- After a review that you meet all university entrance requirements, you will receive a Letter of Acceptance (Zulassungsbescheid) from TU Dresden. Follow the instructions provided there for further steps to enrollment.