JPK Nanowizard4 AFM
The NanoWizard4 AFM from JPK is a high-end device providing the following features:
- measurements in air and in liquid environment
- 'classical' contact-, tapping and force spectroscopy modes
- force modulation mode
- advanced "QI" mode (high-speed force mapping imaging w/ full force-curve data for each pixel)
- in combination w/ inverted optical microscope – allows for correlative measurements
- "DirectOverlay" feature for precise alignment of optical and AFM images
- additional "Top view optics" allow for observing opaque samples from top
- temperature control for fluid samples
- "CellHesion" module extends accessible z-range to 100 µm for, e.g., cell imaging
- data processing software

The JPK NanoWizard4 AFM of the MIM Facility at B CUBE