Nikon Ti-E Superresolution/TIRF/Spinning Disk
Imaging Modes:
- wide-field (epi, dark-field, phase contrast)
- Spinning Disk
- 3D Superresolution Localization Microscopy (STORM/PALM/...)
Two high-end EMCCD cameras:
- Andor iXON Ultra 897 (WF, TIRF, Superresolution)
- Andor iXON Ultra 888 (SpinningDisk)
Additional sCMOS camera:
- Jenoptik ProgRes CT5
- 100x/1.49 SR Apochromat, Oil, DIC
- 60x/1.27 Plan Apo IR, Water, DIC
- 60x/1.2 Plan Apochromat VC, Water, DIC
- 60x/0.95 CFI PlanApo Lambda, Air, DIC
- 40x/0.95 CFI PlanApo Lambda, Air, DIC
- 20x/0.75 Plan Apochromat VC, Air, DIC
Fluorescence Excitation:
- Laser lines: 405, 488, 561, and 647 nm
- Halogen Lamp (w/ excitation filter wheel)
Additional Equipment:
- "Perfect Focus System" auto-focus
- Piezo z-stage
- Objective heater
- stage heater/cooler

The Nikon Ti-E Superresolution/TIRF/SpinningDisk setup of the MIM Facility at B CUBE