Apr 28, 2022
Why data management is planned for joint projects
When it comes to receiving funding for research projects, the requirements for research data management are becoming increasingly stringent and extensive, making the application process trickier. At the latest when writing a project proposal, research groups are sure to face the following challenge: “Describe your project’s research data management.”
Often, the first reaction is “why?” – followed closely by “how?” Indeed, all research groups manage their research data in one way or another. So why does this question warrant a response?
Data management can be understood as a planning method, where the research group talks about the potential opportunities and threats associated with all sub-projects and takes a stance after considering each group member’s own strengths and weaknesses working with data. This type of planning (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) is called a "SWOT" analysis.
Discussing specific data management issues can help quickly clear up what research data management could entail for the joint project – or even what it definitely should not entail – and what costs and personnel resources are associated with its implementation. What questions could you discuss?
- Are there technologies, methods, processes or tools that the project members could introduce or utilize to facilitate working with their own data?
- What methods for working with data didn’t work so well during the last project? Think about data exchange, communication, consultations, interfaces, etc.
- What sub-project could take on data management tasks to everyone’s benefit, harnessing opportunities and avoiding threats?
What is your opinion on the topic?
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