Commerzbank prices
The Dr. Walter Seipp Prize of the Commerzbank Foundation and the dissertation prizes of the Commerzbank's
Kulturstiftung Dresden are awarded in recognition of outstanding dissertations by young academics from all faculties and academic institutions at TU Dresden.
The university prizes have been awarded for 25 years. The Commerzbank Foundation and the Commerzbank Dresden Cultural Foundation thus make a contribution to promoting early-career researchers in a targeted manner and increasing the quality of teaching and research. The prizes are intended to create incentives that motivate academic work and innovation and thus help to prepare society for the challenges of the future. The Dr. Walter Seipp Prize originates from the Commerzbank Foundation's fund of the same name, which was established in 1990 by Dr. Walter Seipp, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Commerzbank from 1981 to 1991 and Chairman of the Supervisory Board until 1999.
The Commerzbank Foundation honors an outstanding dissertation with the Dr. Walter Seipp Prize. The prize money amounts to 4,000 euros.
Two dissertation prizes with prize money of 1,000 euros each are also awarded by the Commerzbank Dresden Cultural Foundation.
Selection of the prize winners
The criterion for the dissertations to be submitted is a summa cum laude rating. Ideally, the work should have innovative potential and be of social relevance. The deans of the faculties and the directors of the Academic Directors of TU Dresden are entitled to nominate candidates.
The jury for the Commerzbank Prizes is made up of representatives of Commerzbank AG, the Rector and representatives of the departments.
Award ceremony
The award ceremony is held by the Rector and representatives of Commerzbank.
Winners of the Dr. Walter Seipp Prize of the Commerzbank Foundation
Liliya Mukhametzyanova, Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine, Dissertation: Increasing the utility of evolved site-specific recombinases for genome editing

Preisträgerin Liliya Mukhametzyanova, Ph.D. (Zoom), Alice Neumann (Commerzbank AG), Kanzler Dipl.-Ök. Jan Gerken
Dr. Matteo Cucchi, School of Science, Dissertation: Organic electrochemical networks for biocompatible and implantable machine learning
Dr. Melissa Adasme, CMCB, dissertation "Structure-based drug repositioning by exploiting structural properties of drug's binding mode"

v.l.n.r. Heike Heuberger (Commerzbank-Stiftung), Preisträgerin Dr. Melissa Adasme, Rektorin Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger
Dr. Maja Kevdzija, Faculty of Architecture, Dissertation: Mobility-Supporting Rehabilitation Clinics: Architectural design criteria for promoting stroke patients' independent mobility and accommodating their changing spatial needs during the transition towards recovery

Burkhard von der Osten (Commerzbank AG), Preisträgerin Dr. Maja Kevdzija, die Rektorin sowie Gesine Marquardt (Fakultät Architektur)
Winners of the Dissertation Prize of the Commerzbank Dresden Cultural Foundation
Dr. Wolfgang Büschel, Faculty of Computer Science, Dissertation: Spatial Interaction for Immersive Mixed-Reality Visualizations
Dr. Felix Schilk, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Dissertation: Die neurechte Erzählgemeinschaft. A sociology of conservative crisis narratives

Preisträger Dr. Wolfgang Büschel (Mitte), Alice Neumann (Commerzbank AG) sowie Kanzler Dipl.-Ök. Jan Gerken

Preisträger Dr. Felix Schilk (Mitte), Alice Neumann (Commerzbank AG), Kanzler Dipl.-Ök. Jan Gerken
Dr. Wojciech Ozga, Faculty of Computer Science, dissertation: Hardening High-Assurance Security Systems with Trusted Computing
Dr. Juliane Wagner, Faculty of Civil Engineering, dissertation: On the load-bearing behavior of carbon concrete under fatigue loading

Dr. Wojciech Ozga

Dr. Juliane Wagner
Dr. Elisabeth Ansel, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, Dissertation: Jack B. Yeats. National identity constructions in Irish modernism,
Dr. Matthias Geyer, Faculty of Physics, Dissertation: Models for Spin-Dependent Transport in Helical Molecules.
Dr. Jens Bornschein, Faculty of Computer Science, dissertation: Multimodal collaborative sign system for blind users
Dr. Yuan Liu, Faculty of Physics, Dissertation: Intermolecular charge transfer systems for efficient OLEDs: charge and exciton dynamics
Call for applications
The current call for applications can be found under Current calls for applications