Services and contact information
The Technology Platforms Team introduces itself:
Can you imagine establishing your own technology platform or core facility within TUD Dresden University of Technology or together with external partners?
Then we are ready to be your contact. We advise you on organizational and structural issues as well as on the development of business models and usage regulations. Furthermore, we support you in the preparation and evaluation of financing concepts (management, price calculation, billing of services) for technology platforms. In case of initial hurdles, we can help with start-up financing.
We also provide support in the context of the application and accounting of third-party funded projects for the use of core facilities.
In addition to the establishment of new technology platforms and core facilities, we support existing institutions in structural, organizational and financial matters. Our expertise is backed by years of experience in controlling and managing core facilities.
We aim to make the technology platforms' offerings as accessible as possible and with as little effort as possible. To achieve this, we are introducing a software for billing and booking instruments and services. Our ambition is to digitalize the management of the platforms and embed them in the digital process map of the TUD Dresden University of Technology.
To increase the visibility of TUD Dresden University of Technology's technology platforms and research infrastructures, we are active in local, national and international networks. We work closely with DRESDEN-concept and represent the technology platforms in the German BioImaging (GerBI) and the Eutopia network (European University Alliance Transformation of Research and Innovation), among others.

Advisor Technology Platforms
NameJuliane Hoth
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Günter-Landgraf-Bau, 6-222 Mommsenstraße 15
01069 Dresden

Advisor Research Infrastructures
NameDr. Michael Gerlach
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Staff Technology Platforms
NameGuido Ehrlich
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Günter-Landgraf-Bau, 6-222 Mommsenstraße 15
01069 Dresden