Dr. Andrea Fischer-Tahir
Dr.in Andrea Fischer-Tahir
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Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Organization NameProfessur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung
Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung
Visiting address:
Weberplatz 5, Room WEB 125a
01217 Dresden
- work Tel.
- +49 351 463-32573
Table of contents
- Humanities scholar and social scientist
- 1990-1996 Studied Arabic and Oriental Philology, Ethnology and History of Religion at the University of Leipzig
- 1996-1998 Studied German as a foreign language at the University of Leipzig
- 2002 Doctorate at the University of Leipzig
Core research areas
- Disability and inclusion
- Social production of space
- Collective memory and historical politics
- Gender relations
- Knowledge production
Publications (selection)
Latest book contribution
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2024): Disability. In: Belina, Bernd et al. (eds.): Handbook of Critical Urban Geography. 6th, completely revised and expanded edition. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, pp. 349-355.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2022): Visual impairment and work. Reconfigurations in digital capitalism. Bielefeld: transcript.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2009): Brave men, pretty women? Gender and Symbolic Violence in Iraqi-Kurdish Urban Society. Berlin: EZKS. (translated into Kurdish, 2011)
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2003): "We gave many martyrs." Resistance and collective identity formation in Iraqi Kurdistan. Münster: Unrast-Verlag (dissertation).
Wippe, Steffen/ Fischer-Tahir, Andrea [ed.] (2018): Beyond established meta-geographies. The Middle East and North Africa in transregional perspective. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea/Wagenhofer, Sophie [eds.] (2017): Disciplinary Spaces: Spatial Control, Forced Assimilation and Narratives of Progress since the19th Century. Bielefeld: transcript.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea/Lange, Katharina [eds.] (2016): Ethnographies of Change in the Middle East and North Africa. Leipzig: Leipzig University Press.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea/Soudias, Dimitris [eds.] (2015): "Periphery". Middle East Topics & Arguments (5).
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea/Naumann, Matthias [eds.] (2013): Peripheralization: The Making of Spatial Dependencies and Social Injustice. Berlin: Springer VS.
Contributions to peer-reviewed journals
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea/Langner, Anke (2021): "Don't write us off, but don't force us either". Power and powerlessness in vocational rehabilitation for people with visual impairments. Journal for Inclusion-online (1-2021). URL: https://www.inklusion-online.net/index.php/inklusion-online/article/view/582/431
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2013): "Science-based Truth as News: Knowledge Production and Media in Iraqi Kurdistan", Kurdish Studies (1/1): 28-43.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2012): "Gendered Memories and Masculinities: Kurdish Peshmerga on the Anfal Campaign in Iraq", Journal of Middle East Women's Studies (8:1): 92-114.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2011): "Representations of Peripheral Space in Iraqi Kurdistan: The Case of the Qaradagh District Centre", Études Rurales (186): 117-130.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2010): "Competition, Cooperation and Resistance: Women in the Political Field in Iraq", International Affairs (86: 6): 1381-1394.
Fischer-Tahir, Andrea (2008): "Black-white Man, White-red Woman: Representations of Gender in Kurdish Urban Society", The International Journal of Kurdish Studies (21): 123-143.