Third-party funded projects
Table of contents
The Dresden University School is a joint project of the state capital of Dresden and the TUD Dresden University of Technology. It is a public and free community school run by the city, where innovative forms of teaching and learning are tested under scientific supervision. In addition, it is a training school for future teachers and, in the future, a further education school for teachers. The school trial is scientifically supported by the ForUS research center at TU Dresden.
Ongoing projects in the context of the University School Dresden
ODIkS "Open digital infrastructures of municipal school authorities"
Joint project of TUD Dresden University of Technology, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau and ifib consult GmbH,
BMBF project on "Supporting school authorities in organizational development processes for digital change in education (OE_Struktur)"
Duration: November 2024 - October 2028
Project website
ODIkS channel on LinkedIn
Project profile on
The University School ForUS research center is looking for a research assistant in the ODIkS project . You can find more information in the University School project news section.
GoFlexi "Making upper secondary school more flexible through timetabling"
Collaborative project between the Faculty of Business and Economics at TU Dresden, the Faculty of Education at TU Dresden (University School Dresden) and the Faculty of Education at Bielefeld University (Versuchsschule Oberstufen-Kolleg),
BMBF project for research on "Change processes in educational institutions and related quality assurance and development measures" in the empirical educational research framework program
Duration: October 2024 - September 2027
Project website at the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Industrial Management, Prof. Dr. Udo Buscher
TUD news project launch, December 10, 2024
Project information in the BMBF research finder
QualiPro "Quality of learning process support: experimental and university schools as development and transfer actors"
Joint project of TU Dresden, University of Frankfurt am Main, University of Cologne and University of Bielefeld
BMBF project for research on "Change processes in educational institutions and related quality assurance and development measures" in the empirical educational research framework program
Duration: October 2024 - September 2027
Information on the project website of the University of Cologne
News on the project launch: Learning process support at experimental and university schools - Kick-off BMBF joint project QualiPro at the VUVS joint conference, November 15, 2024
The joint projects are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Completed third-party funded projects
"Designing an inclusive school (SING) - Development of didactic concepts and organizational structures for an inclusive school"
Joint project of TU Dresden, Fraunhofer Institute Leipzig and University of Wuppertal
BMBF project for the development of didactic concepts and organizational structures of an inclusive school.
Duration: January 2018 to March 2021
More information on the SING project and project website
Work 4.0: Inclusion of the visually impaired through digitalization
Joint project of TU Dresden, BFW Halle Saale gGmbH and DFKI (German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence - Berlin)
Funding body: German Pension Insurance
Duration: March 2019 - February 2020
Project overview Working 4.0 - Inclusion of the visually impaired through digitalization