Jun 06, 2024
Pilot project: How students gain practical experience and help to prevent lessons cancelled - Preparations for phase 2 underway
The pilot project with future teachers in East Saxony enters its fourth week today. Since the beginning of May, the student teachers have been accompanying a secondary school class every Friday as a "class team". In this way, they grow into their role as teachers early on in their studies and at the same time help to prevent the cancellation of lessons.
The Saxon news show MDR Sachsenspiegel visited the Richard-von-Schlieben secondary school in Zittau and met enthusiastic students and Sabrina Hälschke, the satisfied principal of Richard-von-Schlieben-Oberschule. Also Anke Langner, head of the project at TU Dresden, has her say in the report Pilotprojekt: TU Dresden will Lehrermangel bekämpfen for MDR Sachsenspiegel (Pilot project: TU Dresden wants to combat teacher shortage, broadcast on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, available online until June 12, 2024) and the article Oberlausitz: Erfolgreicher Start für Pilotprojekt gegen Stundenausfall (Upper Lusatia: Successful start for pilot project against cancelled lessons, MDR online, 6.6.24).
Until the end of the school year, 14 students are supporting two schools in Weißwasser and Zittau in an initial pilot phase. A second pilot phase will start in September to offer an early and improved link between theory and practice during for teacher students. Registration for the winter semester 2024/25 is already open.
The pilot project benefits from the experience gained from the semester-accompanying internship at the Dresden University School.
Im Mai und Juni 2024 unterstützen 14 Studierende die Schülerinnen und Schüler an zwei Schulen in Zittau und Weißwasser jeden Freitag beim Lernen. Alle Details zur zweiten Pilotphase ab September 2024 und aktuelle Medienberichte finden Sie auf der Webseite der Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung.
Beim Pilotprojekt gegen Stundenausfall in Ostsachsen profitieren die Studierenden von den Erfahrungen mit dem semesterbegleitenden Praktikum an der Universitätsschule Dresden. Dieses Format entwickelt Prof. Anke Langner gemeinsam mit der Schulgemeinschaft und den Studierenden kontinuierlich weiter für eine bessere Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung bereits früh im Studium.