Mar 05, 2025
Report, perform, function - or is there another way? A podcast portrait of the Dresden University School trial
In January, Jonas Bachmaier, a student on the Journalism and Strategic Communication degree program at the University of Passau, took the train to Dresden. He wanted to get his own impression of Dresden University School at the open day and take the opportunity to record a conversation with learning facilitator Pia Heyne and students Lore and Sofia from the qualification level (year 9 and 10).
Beforehand, he had asked Dr. Matthias Ritter from the ForUS University School research unit at TU Dresden a few questions that were on the minds of him and his podcast team: "Report, perform, function - or is there another way? What does educational research actually know about learning with more or less pressure? And what observations do the educational scientists in the Dresden University School trial make about learning at one's own pace and without grades?"
Jonas Bachmaier and his fellow students Laura Oertel, Luca Essel and Adrian Hillebrand shed light on the topic in four episodes with numerous expert interviews for the podcast "Reinventing school - performance, pressure and the question of whether it has to be like this":
- The history of the performance paradigm - How performance became the benchmark
- Learning, but the right way! - What science knows about sustainable learning
- Daring to learn in new ways - A school as a real-life laboratory for new concepts
- The slow mills of the education system - What do politics and business say?
The podcast "Reinventing schools" is available on PAblish - the project platform of the Journalism and Strategic Communication degree program at the University of Passau.
About the University School Dresden
Lessons according to a timetable - not in Dresden! There, the pupils are allowed to decide for themselves how the school day runs. logo! reporter Simone checked it out. © logo! Nachrichten
The Dresden University School is a joint project of the state capital Dresden and the TUD Dresden University of Technology. It is a public and free community school run by the city, where innovative forms of teaching and learning are tested under academic supervision. In addition, it is a training school for future teachers and, in the future, a further education school for teachers. The school trial is being scientifically supported by the ForUS research center at TU Dresden.
Information on the research project at TU Dresden: https: //
Information on the Dresden University School:
You can find insights into the University School Dresden research project and everyday school life on various social media channels under @unischuleTUD: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. News from the University School Dresden project can be found regularly in the GSW newsletter.