Degree Programmes
About 400 students are currently enrolled in one of the programs offered by the Institute of Media and Communication: in the 2004 established undergraduate program "BA Media Research, Media Practice", in the since 2007 offered graduate program "MA Applied Media Research", in the ending Magister´s program of "Kommunikationswissenschaft" or enrolled as students who chose Communications as their minor or optional subject.
As an empiric social science the field of Communications strives for the systematic research of conditions, structures, processes, contents and consequences of public communication, especially the communication by mass media.
Core subjects of the graduate program "Applied Mediea Research" are the empiric methods of researching media and public communication. On the basis of theories originating from social sciences, psychology and statistics, knowledge about the main findings of the scientific and commercial research are teached. The program is enhanced by interdisciplinary courses.
The undergraduate program "Media Research, Media Practice" teaches basic knowledge for the field of Communications and allows emphasis on certain fields of research. Apart from an education in the research methods of social sciences and statistical data evaluation, students receive practical knowledge for a profession in communiations. Students can emphasis on media and opinion research, PR or political communications.