Anna-Lisa Fichte

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameAnna-Lisa Fichte
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Main areas of research and teaching
- Dissertation project: The imperial family as an acceptance sector? - Reflections on an extension of the accepeptance system
- Roman Republic at the transition to the Principate
- Early and High Imperial Period
- Agency of women in antiquity
- The reception of antiquity in modernity, especially in pop culture
- History of Emotions
Curriculum Vitae
Since 11/2022 | Ph.D. student at the Chair of Ancient History, TU Dresden |
Since 04/2022 | Research Associate at the Chair of Ancient History, TU Dresden |
2021-2022 | Study of the Master's degree Ancient Cultures, TU Dresden |
2021 | First State Examination with a thesis on: Conspiracies in the Iulian-Claudian dynasty - Occasions, effects and the question of ruler stability |
2020-2021 | Student Assistant at the Chair of Ancient History, TU Dresden |
2019-2021 | Teaching Assisant at the Chair of Ancient History, TU Dresden |
2020 | Conducting biographical interviews as part of the project Die 'Wende' der Kinder: Kindheit in der ostdeutschen Transformation at the Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung e. V. (HAIT) with a focus on: Attachment and relationship dynamics of parents, children, and nursery teachers in the context of early childhood daycare in the GDR |
2016-2021 | Teacher Training - Secondary School (English / History), TU Dresden |
2016 | Abitur at the Gymnasium Jessen in Jessen (Elster) |
2014 |
Stay abroad in Great Britain |
Review of: Kelly, Benjamin; Hug, Angela (eds.): The Roman Emperor and his Court. c. 30 BC-c. AD 300, Cambridge 2022, ISBN 978-1-316-51323-1, in: H-Soz-Kult, 23.10.2023, <>.
Conference Papers
Acceptance Revisited: The Imperial Family between Alliance and Opposition - International Workshop of the Network Impact of Empire: Opposition to the Roman Empire, Seville (24.05.2024)
Die kaiserliche Familie im Akzeptanzsystem: Politische Agency am Beispiel von Octavia minor und der Porticus Octaviae – Chemnitzer Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Antike und der Moderne, Chemnitz (11.01.2024)
- Zwischen Kaisermachern und Kaisermördern – Die Paradoxien des Potentials der domus als Akzeptanzsektor / Workshop: Der Römische Prinzipat als Paradoxie: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zu einer besonderen Monarchie, Konstanz (05.10.2023)
Zwischen Liebe und Politik – Die Macht der Emotionen in Plutarchs Antonius-Biographie / Plutarch and Emotions – Konferenz der Deutschen Sektion der International Plutarch Society, Hamburg (14.09.2023)
Agrippina minor – eine Usurpatorin? / Mitteldeutsches Althistoriker:innentreffen, Dresden (09.06.2023)
Winter semester 2024/25 | Seminar: Women between power and myth: Female lifeworlds from Alexandria to Rome |
Summer semester 2024 |
Introductory proseminar: Methods and sources in ancient history Practice seminar: Ancient women in computer games: Theoretical approaches, practical implementations |
Winter semester 2023/24 |
Introductory proseminar: Alexander the Great Practice seminar: Alea iacta est: Receptions of Caesar in comics and (board) games (with Dr. Mathias Herrmann) |
winter semester 2022/23 |
Proseminar: Cleopatra |
Summer semester 2022 |
Proseminar: Plots and Conspiraciesin and against the Roman Emperor |