Overview of exams
Please note:
This overview does not yet include the exams in the B.A. Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences degree program, this will follow soon!
With the introduction of this degree program in WS 2023/24, the rhythm of the lectures will be successively changed as follows:
- the lecture "The Discovery of Society" will always (and only) take place in the summer semester from SoSe 2024 on; it is part of the module "Sociological Theories" in the 1st and 2nd major subject Sociology as well as the module "History of Social Theories" in the 2nd major subject Social Sciences (compulsory elective areas I and II) of the B.A. GKS. It was offered one last time in the winter semester 2023/24 for the degree programs that are being phased out.
- the lecture "Theories of Society and Sociality" will always (and only) take place in the winter semester from WS 2024/25 on; it is part of the module "Sociological Theories" in the 1st and 2nd major subject Sociology as well as the module "Theories of Society and the Social" in the 2nd major subject Social Sciences (compulsory elective areas I and II) of the B.A. GKS. For the latter module, it has been offered for the first time in a winter semester in WS 2023/24.
1. oral examinations (discontinued degree programs):
a) oral group examinations
BA Sociology, Module AM2
large supplementary area of sociology in BA Media Research
Supplementary area HUM Soc1 (exam no. 99410) and HUM Soc2 (exam no. 99510)
BA Social Pedagogy, module EW BAC Soz GM1 (new study regulations from 2019)
b) Individual oral examinations
BA Social Pedagogy, module BAC S (old study regulations (before 2019)
Further information
2. written examinations (degree programs being phased out):
Written examinations are only offered in the winter semester for students in the supplementary areas (regular double examination for the lecture "The Discovery of Society" together with the lecture "Thematic Areas of Sociology").
In the summer semester, a written exam on the lecture "Theories of Society and the Social" is offered for students in supplementary areas (registration required, please contact us).
3. written assignments:
The scope and form of essays and seminar papers are determined at the institute level, see the information in the"Guidebook" (p. 33).
Further tips and information on written work:
Essay, seminar papers and project work
Formal guidelines for all written work
What is plagiarism?