Collection 2: target groups and rooms - for everyone
In the second collection, we are following a trail that was already hinted at in Collection No. 1 and which is particularly important for the research center: we are asking ourselves which spaces are suitable for civic education and what happens when we think of civic education less in terms of specific target groups and more in terms of space. It will be about emotions and civic education, about museums and interventions, about civic education for plants and much more. Stay tuned!
Lecture no. 2.1
target groups and spaces - for everyone
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand
Lecture Nr 2.2
Geschichte der Aufsuchenden politische Bildung
Klaus Waldmann
Lecture no. 2.3
The magic word: self-efficacy experience
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand
Lecture no. 2.3
Civic education and emotions
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand
Lecture 2.4 - coming soon
Civic education in the theater
Elisa Moser
Lecture 2.5
Invisible civic education - or civic education at dog training school
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand