In the fourth collection, we will look at strategies, methods and materials of political education and deal with the question of how political education programs can be prepared conceptually and didactically in a meaningful way. The focus will be on the paradoxes of planning, peer education and other practical projects.
Lecture 4.1
Why didactics is not methodology and methods are not everything.
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand - TU Dresden
Lecture 4.2
Outreach civic education - new ideas with a long history
Klaus Waldmann
Lecture 4.3
What does AI mean for political media education?
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand
Lecture 4.4
Topic-centered interaction
Nina Gbur - NDC Saxony
Lecture 4.3
Taking breaks
An evening school play about the meaningful design of break situations
Prof. Dr. Anja Besand - TU Dresden
Lecture 4.5
Peer education as a valuable and dual mediation approach in political education