Positioning rugs
Table of contents
The idea
At JoDDiD, we develop didactic materials for extracurricular political education. You can find our rugs here. They can be used as part of sociometric exercises or pro-and-con debates. They bring a breath of fresh air to well-practiced and tried-and-tested political education methods.
Various carpets are available to lend. For example, there are pro-con rugs and various buzzwords (e.g. "Absolutely", "Depends", "No way" in German) as well as carpets with a scale from 0 to 10, which can be filled with very different questions and statements for positioning exercises.
In addition, there are two different sets that transfer Andreas Petrik's compass for political orientations to carpets and are suitable for groups of different sizes.
Our different sets
Set 1: Pro and con rugs with intermediate positioning (2 x ⌀ 100 cm, 5 x ⌀ 75 cm)
Set 2: Rug scale from 0 to 10 (2 rugs: 75 cm x 50 cm)
Set 3: Exclusion clause (1 rug: 75 cm x 50 cm)
Set 4: Political compass rug (1 rug: 200 cm x 200 cm)
Set 5: Political compass rugs in individual parts (1 rug ⌀ 100, 4 rugs: 120 x 85 cm)
Set 6: Tolerance limit rug (2 rugs: 120 x 85 cm)
Ideas for using the material
Our rugs can be used in different ways. If you would like some inspiration for your own educational event before borrowing the rugs, download our HOW-TO on rugs here.
You can now find the how-to for our compass rug here: HOW-TO COMPASS RUG.
Inspiration for the use of tolerance limit carpetscan now be found here: HOW-TO tolerance limit rugs
Information on borrowing
For political educators in Saxony, ordering and borrowing materials is free of charge. All relevant information on ordering can be found under Ordering information.
All sets presented here are currently available to borrow. Further sets are already being planned and we cordially invite you to write to us if you have encountered moments in practice when you have come up with a new political-educational "rug idea". Perhaps we can put it into practice.
We would be delighted if you would be prepared to make a short phone call after using the carpets to tell us about your use of the material and your impressions. This will help us to develop further JoDDiD materials, which will in turn be available to extracurricular political educators in Saxony in the future.
Our carpets in use
Here we publish some feedback on our carpets in use. From feedback to exciting application possibilities, everything is included. Would you also like to give us feedback? Then send us an email to joddid-shop@tu-dresden.de.