Stay abroad
Table of contents
General information
The obligatory stay abroad in a Slavic country enriches your studies and your own personality. In addition, the acquisition of further foreign languages and intercultural competencies provide you with important skills for a successful start to your career.
You can pass your stay abroad at our partner universities. Our cooperation network includes universities in Nur-Sultan, Kiev, Tscherkassy, Plovdiv, Vilnius, Breslau, Posen, Oppeln, Krakau, Edmonton, Prag, Brünn, Ostrava, Ústí nad Labem, and Bratislava.
A stay abroad in a Russian-speaking country is currently not possible due to the war in Ukraine. A replacement service is not required, but a stay abroad in another Slavic country, e. g. with an Erasmus program, is recommended.
Please inform yourself about the Erasmus program, university cooperations, and further academic contacts abroad on the pages of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies, as well as on the pages of the International Office of TU Dresden.
Module matching
In order for the stay abroad to be recognised, a 5-6 page report must be prepared and submitted to the academic advisor. You can find guidelines for preparing the report here (in German).
Bachelor's programme
The Bachelor's programme includes a compulsory 10-week stay abroad in a Slavic country. You can have your stay abroad credited in the AQua area.
Teacher training
Before registering for the first State Examination, students following the teacher training degree programme must prove that they have spent 12 weeks abroad in a Slavic country.
The stay abroad can be counted as part of the supplementary area. For a three-month stay abroad, you will receive 4 basis credits. In order to have your stay abroad recognised, please use the form Antrag auf Anerkennung eines Auslandsaufenthaltes im Ergänzungsbereich.
Advice and Information
For further information (formalities, scholarships etc.) and individual planning of your stay abroad, please contact first:
Managing Assistant and Academic Advisor
NameDr. Marina Scharlaj
Russian Cultural Studies and Didactics
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Wiener Straße, Room 215 Wiener Straße 48
01219 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 11:00 - 12:00
Study counselling by e-mail or by appointment (personally or digitally)