Graduates of the Chair
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Martin Vogt - Syntegon Technology GmbH
Since the end of 2019, I have been responsible as project manager and developer (my second major development project) for the new GKF 60 machine platform, a hard gelatine capsule filling machine for research-based pharmaceutical companies.
From the very first ideas, I was able to bring the machine to market maturity together with my interdisciplinary team.
In addition to the continuous further development (basic machine, filling modules, various containment cabin versions), I am currently responsible for the market launch of the machine. The machines go to global markets such as the USA, Brazil and, of course, Europe, which means that our team is in contact with people from a wide range of cultures and languages!
In my opinion, the profession of mechanical/mechatronic engineer for processing machines in the food and pharmaceutical industry offers a working environment with excellent prospects in these seemingly increasingly uncertain times. With a growing world population, the demand for these consumer goods is likely to increase rather than decrease. As a developer in this environment, you can, for example, help to reduce the resource consumption of machines both in production and in operation. Or - to make the packaging itself more innovative and environmentally friendly - we at Syntegon are currently working on easily recyclable paper packaging that can be thermoformed.
Relation to my VAT studies: I was already able to make a small contribution to the use of linear drive systems in processing machines with my diploma thesis at Robert Bosch GmbH / Packaging Technology in 2008. Today, the XTS system has matured further and is being used successfully by various food manufacturers.
Andre Schult - PEEROX GmbH
When I started studying aerospace engineering, I quickly realized during my basic studies in mechanical engineering that I am not the type to optimize the last decimal point. Instead, I love the complexity and diversity of technical systems, especially where nobody expects this complexity - for example, the industrial packaging of everyday consumer goods. This mentality mix from MacGuyver tinkering "the main thing is that it works" to complex FEM simulations of high-speed processes and the fight against/with physics inspires me and has never made me regret my decision to move away from airplanes to processing machines. As my main course of study progressed, I realized that I wasn't really any good as a design engineer either and that my passion lay elsewhere: In the combination of software and mechanical engineering. The exceptionally multi-layered and interdisciplinary course helped me a lot in this search. There is so much more to mechanical engineering than just gears, CAD programs and technical drawings. It's about tinkering, pondering and structuring - like playing Lego for adults. After exciting years in Fraunhofer research, I founded our first software company in 2019 together with my friend and Fraunhofer colleague. We are revolutionizing knowledge management in production. We have experts for software programming. With my background in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, artificial intelligence, computer science and process engineering, I am the interface between our customers and users in production and the nerds in software development.
Reference to my VAT studies: Looking back, my studies were absolutely groundbreaking and the basis for me being able to pursue my absolute dream job today.
Hannes Stoye - MELAG Medizintechnik GmbH & Co KG
MELAG manufactures devices for reprocessing medical instruments, in particular steam sterilizers and washer-disinfectors (WD), see website. My training in cleaning processes in the food industry gave me a very good basis for analyzing and improving cleaning processes in the washer-disinfector. By solving various problems in this subject area, I was able to quickly specialize and develop into the person technically responsible for a class of washer-disinfectors. The cleaning technologies in the food industry are therefore a great basis for solving challenging problems in medical technology. For example, typical loads in a dental practice, which are soiled with sheep's blood at the most difficult points for examination purposes, e.g. in the joint of a Crile clamp, have to be completely cleaned and disinfected with 90°C hot water in under an hour. By comparison, dishwashers need 2 hours or longer for much simpler items and at lower temperatures. If you are interested, the website or the YouTube channel offer a lot more material.
Relation to VAT studies: On the one hand, the theoretical principles of hygienic processing (Sinner's circle etc.) have helped me a lot. On the other hand, I benefit from the scientific approach to complex problems, for example through systematic experimental design or influencing factor analyses.
Richard Fankhänel - SpeechMind GmbH
During my studies in processing machine engineering, I acquired in-depth knowledge of project management, particularly in the field of Industry 4.0. I was later able to apply these skills at the Papiertechnische Stiftung in Heidenau, where I was responsible for project management for digital products and sustainability projects in the paper industry.
At the same time, I built up a network at the VDI and organized various events such as excursions and get-togethers. My fellow students from the processing machine engineering department were actively involved, which led to a strong sense of cohesion. I also built up valuable relationships during this time.
Together with my fellow students Titus Hartmann and Justus Feron, I founded the company SpeechMind. Based on the challenge of always having to write protocols in companies, Justus came up with the idea of automating this process using artificial intelligence. As engineers, we acquired knowledge in AI, software development and business model development on the side. We now sell AI protocol software to local authorities, boards of directors and, of course, engineering companies.
In my work at SpeechMind, I often offer technical customer consulting, for example to optimize protocol results with customers. The knowledge and skills I acquired during my studies help me to explain complex technical issues in an understandable way and to develop customized solutions.
Relation to the VAT degree: My degree in processing machine engineering provided me with a solid foundation to build on. Ultimately, a digital company also consists of many small systems that have to be coordinated with each other, whereby data could also be regarded as processing goods.