Techno-functional interactions between exogenous heteropolysaccharides from lactic acid bacteria and proteins in milk gels
A number of lactic acid bacteria used in food technology are able to metabolize exopolysaccharides (EPS) which show technofunctional properties as they have a significant influence on texture and rheological properties of milk gels. Although the impact of EPS producing starter cultures has frequently been analysed, there is a large gap in the knowledge as regards the mechanism behind modification of rheological properties.
The objective of the project is to get a better understanding of the interactions between exopolysaccharides and milk constituents (mainly proteins and bacteria). For that we aim to raise EPS yield in batch fermentation and characterize the isolated polysaccharides and their interactions in modell systems.
Supported by:
- DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Project researchers and contact:
Dr.-Ing. DLC Susann Mende
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PD Dr.nat.techn. et Ing.habil Doris Jaros
Product technologies: Milk; Biomacromolecules
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