Promoting innovation of fermented foods (PIMENTO)
Fermented foods as part of the human diet hold a strategic place due to the benefits they offer in terms of nutrition, sustainability, innovation, cultural heritage and consumer interest. The potential of fermented foods for improving human health but also for driving food innovation and local production has become highly relevant. A major challenge is therefore to collectively advance scientific evidence of the health benefits of fermented foods, to build a benefits/risk approach to promote multi-modal innovation and to respond to the expectations of different European communities. The long-term goal of PIMENTO is to place Europe at the spearhead of innovation on microbial foods, promoting health, regional diversity, local production at different scales, contributing to economical and societal development as well as food sovereignty.
The Chair of Food Engineering contributes to Working Group 2 - Cartography of Fermented Foods in the diet of COST Countries, coordinated by Prof. Effie Tsakalidou from the Agricultural University of Athens.
Supported by:
Research on own funds, in the context of COST Action 20128 - PIMENTO
Project researchers and contact:
PD Dr.nat.techn. et Ing.habil Doris Jaros
Product technologies: Milk; Biomacromolecules
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