Application area Digital Healthcare
“We are bringing digital technologies to healthcare. We are convinced that digital innovations can play a crucial role in transforming healthcare and help improve the health and well-being of people worldwide.”
The topic of digitalization has significantly influenced medicine for several years. Medical informatics has made great progress in areas such as data processing and the use of medical data.
Despite these achievements, for users in hospitals, there are few tangible benefits. Often, digitalization processes are perceived as additional work, and there are only a few examples that actually provide relief or support in medical practice.
Our goal is therefore to develop digital technologies for healthcare that increase the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of healthcare through interdisciplinary research and practice-oriented applications.
Main topics
- Development and validation of digital health technologies (smart health, eHealth, mHealth)
- Technical and organizational interoperability of digital health technologie
Contact Person

Research fellow
NameMs Dr. phil. Eveline Prochaska
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Selected Projects
MSZ NHPT - Digitization of hand function measurement: digital nine-hole peg test in the care of people with multiple sclerosis
ICFx - Digital application for quantifying impairments (according to ICF) for practitioners and patients (ICF = International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) ICF WHO