Staff network
For the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, in the campus network certain IPv4 network areas are reserved. IPv4 network areas are assigned following the administrative structure to official terminal devices of professorships or study areas. These network areas are operated independently by respective administrators. This involves an automatic address assignment (DHCP) and a manual configuration. Devices in this collaboration network are the subject of responsibility and control of the respective administrators, unauthorized modifications of configuration are not possible. The network areas are protected through the firewall systems on the transition point to the campus networks. These firewall systems are managed according to one uniform concept respectively through the use of GMS (“Global Management System”). The network access to the devices from outside in these networks is blocked. As a consequence, the access to services of the faculty from WLAN-network of TUD is possible only through the use of VPN.
Both the network infrastructure, which is provided by ZIH, and the implementation of VoIP are currently in the changeover period. While the necessary collaborator network has to be manually assigned to the data outlets in the buildings 1.BA Chemie, König-Bau, and Erich-Müller-Bau, the network assignment occurs dynamically in 2.BA Chemie and Walther-Hempel-Bau via the hardware address of the device. Besides, the data of each device has to be accommodated obligatory by the administrator. The operation of several devices through one data outlet is no longer possible. But at the same time, high flexibility during the connection of mobile units from the different networks (e.g., in study rooms) is beneficial.