Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

Group leader
NameDr. Uta Bilow
Science communication
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, EG, Raum E24 Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden

NameJulian Böhm
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden

NameMs Katerina Teichert (geb. Dimitrova)
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, EG, Raum E24 Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden

Group Leader
NameProf. Dr. Michael Kobel
Chair of Particle Physics
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, Room E24 Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
please fix a date by e-mail

NameMr Philipp Lindenau M.Ed.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Andreas-Schubert-Bau
01062 Dresden
Professur für Didaktik der Physik:
Recknagel-Bau, B205 Haeckelstraße 3
01069 Dresden
NameMr Hannes Nitsche
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, 4. OG, Raum 420 Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden
NameMr Tobias Martin Pérez Rehn
Science communication
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden

NameMs Carmen Richter M.A.
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Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, EG, Raum E25 Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden
NameMr Erik Thyzel
Science communication
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Visiting address:
Andreas-Schubert-Bau, EG, Raum E25 Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden