Student Involvement
Being a student at TU Dresden means much more than just lectures, examinations and canteens. Being a student also means being actively involved in the university and advancing important issues. This can be done in many different places: whether in the environmental commission, in the Faculty Students' Council, the Student Council (StuRa) or in a university group. Below please find an overview of how you can get involved in the activities that are important to you at the university and in the city.
The Student Council, or in short StuRa, is the student representation body at TU Dresden. It assists students with problems and questions relating to their studies and provides help, for example, with counseling services. In addition, the Student Council represents the students' interests concerning the university, but also beyond that, for example with regard to politics and society.
Currently, about 30 people work in the StuRa and are committed to helping all students at TU Dresden. Representatives meet every two weeks for plenary sessions to discuss current issues and new requests.
You will always find all updates, information and opportunities to get involved personally on the StuRa website.
Unlike the Student Council (StuRa), the Faculty Student Councils (FSR) do not represent the entire student body at TU Dresden, but only the students of one department, i.e. mostly from one faculty.
The responsible FSR is the first point of contact for students with specific problems in their studies or with individual subjects and provides assistance when problems arise. In addition, the Faculty Student Councils organize activities for the new students, such as the first-semester introduction week. Furthermore, Faculty Student Council members organize other recreational activities for students, such as parties or excursions.
Faculty Student Council members provide useful support to students during the course of their studies, for example, some Faculty Student Councils offer examination collections and counseling services. The Faculty Student Councils can have an influence on adjustments to the study regulations or the appointment of professors. Beyond that, the Faculty Student Councils can send representatives to the StuRa and thus also exert influence beyond the scope of their Faculty Students‘ Council.
Members of the Faculty Student Councils are students from the respective Faculty Students’ Councils. Representatives are elected annually by the student body.
The Senate of TU Dresden is responsible for academic matters in teaching, studies, further education and research. Its decisions are of fundamental importance for the entire Technische Universität Dresden. In addition, there is the Extended Senate, which decides, for example, on the election or recall of the Rector.
Students also elect their representatives to the Senate and the Extended Senate every year.
Similar to other political bodies, the Senate has committees that take on substantive work for the Senate and prepare decisions. Students who are delegated by the StuRa usually participate in these activities. Students have the opportunity to participate in decision-making and have a say in TUD decisions by participating on committees.
The StuRa sends or elects representatives to various committees of TU Dresden and the Student Union (Studentenwerk) so that the student bodyis represented throughout the entire university community.
Student participation has been established in the following committees:
- Bibliothekskommission
- Campus4You-Beirat
- Fachschaften der TU Dresden
- Graduiertenkommission
- IT-Koordinierungsstab
- LandessprecherInnen-Rat (zur KSS)
- Multimediabeirat
- Prüfungsausschuss zur Zugangsprüfung für den Erwerb zur Studienberechtigung an der TU Dresden
- Senat der TU Dresden
- Studentischer Beirat "Lehrpraxis im Transfer" des Hochschuldidaktikzentrums Sachsen
- Kommission Umwelt
- Verwaltungsrat des Studentenwerks
- Wissenschaftlicher Rat des Mitteleuropazentrums
You can always find current information and changes on the Student Council page.
Volunteer in university groups
In order to actively shape campus life, students of TU Dresden can establish university groups. The voluntary commitment goes far beyond the boundaries of the university and extends into society in and around Dresden. There are political, religious, social, and technical university groups that all share one goal: active participation in society through volunteer work.
At TU Dresden, there are about 80 university groups recognized by the StuRa and supported by TUD in which you can get active.
- AIAS Dresden e.V.
- Amnesty International Hochschulgruppe Dresden
- Arbeiterkind
- Balu & Du Dresden (Baghira)
- DGB - Hochschulgruppe Dresden
- Dresden Debating Union – Debatierclub an der TU Dresden
- elbMUN
- FrauenUmweltNetzwerk (FUN)
- genow. – Gender Equality NOW.
- Junge GEW Hochschulgruppe Dresden
- IDA – In Dresden Ankommen
- KRETA – kritische Einführungstage
- Kritisches Lehramt
- Kritmed* Dresden
- Leo-Club Dresden „August der Starke“
- Mit Sicherheit Verliebt – Lokalgruppe Dresden
- Nightline Dresden e.V.
- Rock your Life! Dresden
- Rotaract Club Dresden
- Studenten bilden Schüler
- Studentische Wasserwacht
- Studentischer Sanitätsdienst
- Studienstiftung
- Studieren Ohne Grenzen
- Team AufeinanderAchten
- UN-Hochschulgruppe Dresden
- Werkstatt Philosophie
- Zeugen der Flucht Dresden
- 404 University eSports Dresden
- Akademische Fliegergruppe der TU Dresden
- Betonbootteam
- EUROAVIA Dresden e.V.
- Formula Student Team Elbflorace e.V.
- Freunde des Bauingenieurwesens der TU Dresden e.V.
- Hochschulpiraten Dresden
- IG BAU Hochschulgruppe
- Ingenieure ohne Grenzen – Dresden (IoG)
- Junge Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft – Regionalgruppe Dresden
- Projekt Blaupause e.V.
- STAR Dresden e.V.
- Studentischer Automobilverband e.V.
- TU Dresden Robotik Arbeitsgruppe e.V. (TURAG)
- Turmlabor
- Verkehrte Welt e.V.
- AG Junge Lebensmittelchemiker
- ANW Hochschulgruppe Tharandt
- IFSA LC Tharandt
- iGEM TU Dresden
- Initiative Grundvorlesung ökologische Nachhaltigkeit
- Nachhaltigkeits-AG Bauingenieurwesen
- Campusradio Dresden
- "Carus Cantat" – Kammerchor an der medizinischen Fakultät der TU Dresden
- Club 11 e.V.
- Club Aquarium e.V.
- Club HängeMathe e.V.
- DIE BÜHNE – das Theater der TU Dresden
- Folkloretanzensemble „Thea Maass“ der TU Dresden
- Gutzkowclub-GC e.V.
- Heinrich-Cotta-Club e.V.
- Hochschulgruppe Bärenzwinger
- Junges Ensemble Dresden
- Kammerchor | Cantabile Dresden
- Kellerklub GAG 18 e.V.
- Kinder- und Jugendtanzstudio an der TU Dresden e.V.
- Kino im Kasten
- Mentals & maniacs, D.A.
- Studentenclub Borsi 34 e.V.
- Studentenclub Novitatis e.V.
- Studentenclub Wu5 e.V.
- Studentenklub IZ e.V. (Count Down)
- Traumtänzer e.V.
- TU Big Band e.V.
- bonding-studierendeninitiative e.V.
- btS – Life Sciences Studierendeninitiative e.V. (Geschäftsstelle Dresden)
- GründerGarten e.V.
- Interessengemeinschaft Börse an der TU Dresden e.V
- PAUL Consultants e.V.
- Studentische Arbeitsvermittlung Dresden e.V. (STAV)
- Verband deutscher Wirtschaftsingenieure Dresden
- Die Linke.SPD
- Genug ist Genug
- Juso Hochschulgruppe Dresden
- Liberale Hochschulgruppe Dresden (LHG)
- RCDS Dresden – Die CampusUnion
- Students for Future
- Volt HSG Dresden
- First Aid for All – Dresden
- Nerds playing PnP
- Outreach DuCK (Dresdner universelle Communikation Kooperation)
- Studentenreiter Dresden
Introduction to campus life & university groups
Richard studies Mechanical Engineering and is out and about on campus getting to know university groups, discovering campus life and trying out new activities.
You can find more information at Try TU Dresden.
Alina studies Business Information Systems at TU Dresden and tests the many offers that students can take advantage of alongside their studies. Whether it's university groups like campus radio, sport courses from the Dresden University Sports Center, or opportunities to get actively involved in sustainability on campus. Alina is on it.
University groups are regularly featured on TU Dresden's Instagram channel as well. Here, members look for new fellow campaigners, provide information about events and showcase their volunteer work behind the scenes. Subscribe now to keep up with the latest news. » to the instagram channel
Do you have an idea that would improve everyday student life at TUD, liven up the campus or make life easier for you and your fellow students? Then use TUD Impuls - the ideas platform of TU Dresden.
Here you can suggest your own solutions to problems or vote on the ideas of others. All you need is your ZIH access data.