Service for Schools
Table of contents
We are the central point of contact for schools at TU Dresden University of Technology. We support you with
- Organizing school visits to TU Dresden
- Study orientation events at your school (for example presentations or info stands)
- Career orientation at your school
Depending on what you need, we can also forward you the appropriate contact at TU Dresden (e.g. faculties or service centers).
Offers from the school contact point
Here you can find a wide range of offers for schools and school classes, teachers and promoting talent. It is also possible to arrange individual offers. Please contact us via e-mail at the school contact point.
Current programs offered during the summer and fall school breaks
School networks
TU Dresden supports schools in various networks with targeted services for students and teachers.
- Regular (online) events are held for students enrolled in STEM schools of excellence (MINT-EC). TU Dresden also grants 10 STEM scholarships per year. We invite teachers from MINT-EC schools in Saxony to TU Dresden twice a year to exchange knowledge and experiences. Services for MINT-EC schools
- TU Dresden belongs to the network “MINT Zukunft schaffen!” (Creating a STEM-friendly future!), supporting STEM-friendly and digital schools with STEM classes for school children.
We also have special programs for schools with a focus on climate change and sustainability, for instance a “climate school” meet-up at TU Dresden.
TU Dresden also signs cooperative agreements with schools, pledging particularly close collaboration in the future. More information on the services for network schools
Stay abreast of our programs and services as well as upcoming events simply by looking in your inbox. Subscribe to our newsletter.

Koordinatorin Schulkontaktstelle der TU Dresden
NameDipl.-Hdl. Nadja Bauer
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Dezernat 8
Mommsenstr. 6, E67
01069 Dresden