Environmental management system
Table of contents
In 2003, TU Dresden decided to introduce a validated environmental management system according to EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme). By participating in EMAS, TU Dresden demonstrates that it goes above and beyond what is required with its commitment to environmental protection and that, as an educational institution, it views imparting environmental awareness in research and teaching as well as everyday work as its duty. To this end, the university has issued Environmental Guidelines that reflect the cornerstones of environmental policy at TU Dresden. EMAS requires participating organizations to undergo regular audit by a state-approved environmental verifier and to publicize their involvement in a yearly environmental declaration (Environmental Report).
Organization of the environmental management system at TU Dresden
To ensure continual improvement, the environmental management system must be firmly embedded in the university’s organization. The Head of Unit 4.4 – Infrastructural Facility Management in Directorate Facility Management is TU Dresden’s Environmental Management Officer. She is responsible for upholding the environmental management system. The environmental coordination team supports the Environmental Management Officer and is structurally integrated in the Environmental Protection Group. This team is responsible for planning and coordinating internal environmental operations audits, updating environmental management documentation and issuing the environmental program and the environmental declaration. The Eco-Audit Group supports environmental management. It also approves and completes the necessary tasks within environmental management.
Operational environmental protection falls within the responsibilities of the Environmental Protection Group, Unit Infrastructural Facility Management, Directorate Facility Management and it comprises environmental management, waste disposal, hazardous goods transport, immissions protection and water conservation. The group works closely together with the organizational units responsible for occupational safety, health protection and radiation protection, in particular Unit Safety at Work. For instance, they conduct regular group site visits.
The tasks of environmental protection and occupational safety at the Faculty of Medicine are primarily taken on by employees of the University Hospital within the scope of the management contract that TU Dresden has with the University Hospital. The University Hospital has a Unit Hospital Hygiene/Environmental Protection.
Environmental Guidelines at TU Dresden
TU Dresden’s Environmental Guidelines serve as the cornerstones of its environmental management. The first Environmental Guidelines were published in 2000. Ever since, they have undergone regular revision.
TU Dresden’s Environmental Guidelines
Environmental Report and environmental program
TU Dresden publishes an annual Environmental Report with relevant developments at the university. In addition to consumption figures, the report also includes information on current research projects, courses whose content has to do with the environment, and environmental management activities.
TU Dresden’s Environmental Report and environmental program
TU Dresden’s Environmental Manual
TU Dresden’s Environmental Manual is a central component of the environmental management system. It serves to describe and document regulations and procedures.
Current Environmental Manual (as of 11/2021, links to Internal Area)
Environmental and labor regulations at TU Dresden (environmental law register)
For information on the environmental legal regulations at TU Dresden, you can view the following register via campus access to Umweltonline.de:
TU Dresden law register at Umweltonline (links to Intranet – in German)
Environmental operations audits
As part of the environmental management system according to EMAS, regular (internal) environmental operations audits must be conducted. EMAS stipulates that all relevant organizational units be audited every three years. To this end, the Eco-Audit Group has drafted checklists that are made available by the Environmental Coordination Office.

Environmental Management Officer/ Head of Unit
NameKathrin Brömmer
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