SustainAbility: Understanding and Implementing Sustainability
Table of contents
Since the winter semester 2021, the student team of "SustainAbility: Understanding & Implementing Sustainability" has been organizing a series of events on the basics of sustainability, especially the climate crisis. The lecture series takes a holistic view of the topic from different perspectives and discusses ways to make your own life as sustainable as possible.
The events are offered to students of all semesters, TUD employees, high school students, senior citizens and all other interested people outside the TUD. The events are also suitable for newcomers to the topic, as the content does not require any prior knowledge and is presented in an understandable way. This distinguishes the lecture series from the tuuwi's more in-depth environmental lectures. The recordings of all lectures held so far can be found on the Videocampus Sachsen.
Lecture in the summer semester 2025

SustainAbility 2025
SustainAbility is once again offering an exciting lecture series in the summer semester 2025. This will take place from 10.04.2025 on Thursdays from 16:40-18:10 (6th DS) in GER/38/H. Participation is possible on site, digitally synchronously via Zoom or asynchronously via lecture recordings.
We cordially invite everyone to participate in the lecture series! No prior knowledge is required for the lecture, which is why it offers a good introduction to the topic. At the same time, a broad spectrum of topics is covered, so that you can certainly learn new, interesting facts, even if you have already dealt with the topic of sustainability in depth.
Lecture schedule
Date | Topic | Advisor:in |
10.04. | Organizational matters | Kara Nowotny |
17.04. | Introduction Climate change: No way back? - A big world on a small planet | |
24.04. | Agricultural biodiversity | M.Sc. Nico Beier (HTW) |
08.05. | Feedbacks Tipping points | Dr. Sebastian Schellhammer |
15.05. | Scientific skepticism |
Dr. Sebastian Schellhammer |
22.05. | Circular economy | Dr. rer. nat. Dietmar Lohmann |
05.06. | Psychology of the climate crisis |
Babett Nimschowski, Psychologists / Psychotherapists for Future e.V. |
19.06. | Water-sensitive urban development and risk management | Lars Backhaus M.Sc. |
26.06. | Mobility | Dipl-Ing Marco Berger |
03.07. | Nutrition | Prof. Jana Markert |
10.07. | tba | tba |
17.07. | tba | tba |
24.07 |
exam |
online and GER/38/H |
Please register for the course via OPAL or, if required, via this e-mail. We use OPAL to communicate with participants - external people can also create a user account with OPAL free of charge.
Examination performance
Students can take one of the following examinations and earn credit points:
- Written exam on 18.07.2024, online, application-related and in open-book format, 90 minutes (3 CP)
- Portfolio, consisting of 3 statements and 6 comments (3 CP)
- Attendance certificate for participation in 80% of the courses (1 CP)
It is also possible to have the course credited for the Studium Oecologicum.
Help and questions
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at this e-mail address. There is also a forum in the OPAL course where questions can be asked.
Is sustainability an important topic for you and would you like to help shape environmental education programs? The SustainAbility team would be delighted to receive support in planning and implementing the lecture as well as new and creative ideas. If you are interested, please send us an e-mail with the most important information about yourself.
Funding and award
In 2022, the lecture series received the student teaching award from the Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der TU Dresden e. V.
In 2023, the lecture series received the eku Future Prize in the category eku - Success Science.
The lecture series is funded by the Environment Commission.

SustainAbility: Nachhaltigkeit verstehen und umsetzen
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Green Office Mommsenstr. 5, Raum 5
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Grundvorlesung ökologische Nachhaltigkeit
c/o Green Office
Dezernat 9
01069 Dresden