May 31, 2024
Triple success for the TUD: DFG awards millions in funding for Collaborative Research Centers

Main campus of the TU Dresden
Researchers at TU Dresden can celebrate a triple success in the current funding round of the German Research Foundation (DFG). At its meeting on May 29, 2024, the DFG approved the establishment of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) / Transregio (TRR) 393 "Trajectories of Affective Disorders" at the Faculty of Medicine. The CRC/TRR 280 "Construction Strategies for Material-Minimized Carbon Concrete Structures" at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and the CRC 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials" at the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry are entering their second funding period.
New establishment of the SFB/TRR 393 "Trajectories of Affective Disorders"
On July 1, the new research consortium of the SFB/TRR 393 "Trajectories of Affective Disorders: Cognitive-emotional mechanisms of symptom change" can begin its work. The consortium consists of interdisciplinary, clinic-oriented research groups and aims to gain a better understanding of the course of mental disorders and the recurrence of episodes and their remission by investigating the underlying cognitive-emotional mechanisms. The findings should open up the opportunity to develop innovative treatment approaches for mental illnesses and implement them at an early stage in order to make the long-term course of the illness significantly less severe for patients.
The DFG has approved funding of almost 14 million euros for the entire consortium for the funding period, with around 3.7 million euros going to the Dresden research location. In addition to the three partner institutions TU Dresden, Philipps University Marburg and the University of Münster, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn are also involved. The spokespersons of the SFB/TRR 393 are Prof. Tilo Kircher (Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Philipps University Marburg), Prof. Andrea Pfennig (Co-Spokesperson, Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, TU Dresden) and Prof. Michael Bauer (Site Coordinator, Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital, TU Dresden)
The complete press release of the SFB/TRR 393 "Trajectories of Affective Disorders"
Second funding period TRR 280: "Design strategies for material-minimized carbon concrete structures"
In the CRC/TRR 280 "Construction strategies for material-minimized carbon concrete structures - foundations for a new way of building", researchers are working on the development of material-friendly and resource-efficient carbon concrete structures (carbon-reinforced concrete (CRC)). The composite material enables innovative applications in the construction industry and was largely developed in Dresden and Aachen. Despite its growing popularity, its use has so far often been limited to the replacement of materials. However, the results of TRR 280 in funding phase 1 have shown that CRC has the potential to meet performance and sustainability requirements significantly better than conventional materials. The aim of the second funding phase is therefore to develop load-bearing structural elements that function as coordinated ensembles. Closely linked to this are questions of manufacturability, product-related sustainability assessment and the further development of the composite material itself.
For the second funding period of SFB/TRR 280, funding of €13.7 million has been applied for, of which €7.6 million will go to TU Dresden. The application is a joint project between TU Dresden and RWTH Aachen University. Other participating institutions are the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden and the University of Hamburg.
The new spokesperson for TRR 280 is Prof. Steffen Marx (Institute of Concrete Structures, TU Dresden). Prof. Rostislav Chudoba from the Chair and Institute of Concrete Structures at RWTH Aachen University will act as deputy in future.
The complete press release of the SFB/TRR 280: "Construction strategies for material-minimized carbon concrete structures"
Second funding period SFB 1415 Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials (X.Feng, CHE)
The Collaborative Research Center 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials" is dedicated to the controlled "bottom-up" synthesis and development of novel synthetic two-dimensional materials (2DM) with high structural precision. In view of a multitude of technological developments such as energy applications, electronics and biotechnology, our society is more dependent than ever on advanced materials. Two-dimensional materials are particularly promising in this context due to their properties. In the second funding phase now starting, the scientific focus of CRC 1415 will be on understanding and adapting the functional properties of synthetic 2DM. It will also investigate how these properties develop in 2D heterostructures. The aim is to develop novel synthetic 2D materials that can be used as unique materials of tomorrow for applications in electronics, sensor technology and much more.
7.7 million euros have been applied for the second funding period of the SFB 1415. The spokesperson for the research network is Prof. Xinliang Feng, Chair of Molecular Functional Materials at the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry at TU Dresden. In addition to TU Dresden, TU Munich, the University of Ulm, the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden are also involved.
The complete press release SFB 1415 "Chemistry of Synthetic 2D Materials"
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