Apr 28, 2023
Fresh ideas for civic education and developing media literacy – current research projects at TUD
We live in an increasingly individualized society. So, how can we come together and enter into a shared dialogue? How can the foundations of democratic community and togetherness be imparted in an engaging manner?
Since 2020, TU Dresden has housed the John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy (JoDDiD), where researchers are developing new ideas about how civic education can work outside of schools for people young and old. In addition to their research, they provide people involved in civic education with information in the form of podcasts, videos and other materials. They also advise specifically on civic initiatives. Staying abreast of current developments means learning to manage the stream of messages and news we receive daily. And keeping informed like this forms the basis of living in harmony with one another. To this end, researchers at the Institute of Media and Communication (IfK) at TU Dresden are looking into methods for teaching media literacy in order to deprive fake news of the breeding ground it needs to spread. The current special supplement of the Saxony's regional newspaper, Sächsische Zeitung, offers insight into the work being conducted at JoDDiD and IfK.
Selected articles of the Sächsische Zeitung, which regularly appear on the website of TUD and provide information on other current research projects, can be found here: https://www.saechsische.de/unternehmenswelt/tu-dresden
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