Nov 07, 2016
Polish mathematician Dr. Kamil Kaleta starts Humboldt Fellowship at TU Dresden

Dr. Kamil Kaleta
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 500 Humboldt Research Fellowships for outstanding postdoctoral researchers every year. Dr. Kamil Kaleta from Poland received one of the prestigious fellowships in 2015, which he is now spending at TU Dresden for twelve months. In the group of Prof. René Schilling (Chair of Probability), he is going to examine the asymptotic and spectral properties of the semigroups generated by non-local Schrödinger operators.
Dr. Kamil Kaleta is without a doubt an outstanding and above average Mathematician. Before he started his research stay at TU Dresden in October 2016, he had been working as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland. He obtained his PhD in 2011 for thesis “Potential theory of fractional powers of Laplace operator and related Schrödinger operators” with distinction. In the following years, Dr. Kaleta was awarded several grants and prizes, including fellowships of the National Science Centre (Poland) (FUGA 1, 2012) and the Foundation for Polish Science (START 2014, 2015). Moreover, in 2014, he received the highest honor for young mathematicians in Poland, the Kazimierz Kuratowski Prize. The renowned German Humboldt Research Fellowship followed in 2015.
Humboldt Research Fellows are allowed to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany choosing their own topic of research and their academic host. Dr. Kaleta chose TU Dresden since the probability group headed by Prof. Schilling is one of the leading teams working at the interface of stochastic processes with jumps and the corresponding non-local (pseudo-differential) operators. Joining forces will help both sides to cross-fertilize, combine new techniques and develop joint ideas -- which certainly will open up alleys for future research and strengthen the collaboration between TU Dresden and Wrocław University of Technology.
In cooperation with Prof. Schilling, Dr. Kamil Kaleta will examine the asymptotic and spectral properties of the semigroups generated by non-local Schrödinger operators until September 2017. He therefore works at an interface with physics, since most of his research problems are motivated by applications in modern relativistic quantum mechanics and statistical physics.