Sep 16, 2024
TUD Lectures+ "Child protection vs. participation - How much is right?"
What rights do children have when dealing with online content? How can parents protect their children on platforms such as TikTok? What does it mean when parents share pictures of their children online ("sharenting"), and how should children's wishes be taken into account or should they not be taken into account at all? Does a child have the right to decide for themselves? Where is there a lack of regulation, where is there over-regulation and who should take action? Is this also censoring political content that should not be censored at all? Where should the line be drawn?
This lecture will take a look at the challenges and solutions in practice and in research. Join the discussion, because it's about your experience and your children.
- September 25, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Kinderschutzbund Dresden, Lilly-Elbe-Straße 7, Dresden - Johannstadt
- Advisor: JProf. Dr. jur. Katharina Kaesling, LL.M. (College of Europe), Junior Professor of Civil Law, Intellectual Property, in particular Patent Law, and Legal Issues of Artificial Intelligence, Institute of International Law, Intellectual Property and Technology Law (IRGET) at the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science at TU Dresden
Carolin Arnold, specialist advisor and consultant for child protection at the Dresden Child Protection Association, also provides advice as a child protection specialist in kindergartens, schools and after-school care centers, for example - Music: Jo Aldinger and Patrick Neumann
Registration and participation
It is not necessary to register for this event.
Background to the event series:
In 2021, the Directorate University Culture launched the TUD Lectures event series, in which experts from various disciplines at TU Dresden take a close look at current topics. In lectures lasting up to 1½ hours, the experts present their knowledge in a clear and understandable way. The TUD Lectures are aimed at the TUD community and all interested parties.
Photo note:
Photographs and videos will be taken during this event. The photos will be used for the press and public relations work of the TUD and the other participants. If necessary, photos will also be passed on to third parties for reporting purposes. By participating in the event, you agree that photos of you may be used for publications in print and online media, including social media.
This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony as part of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State governments.