Feb 05, 2024
Job offer: student assistant (10 h/week) at TU Dresden Orchestra
At the Faculty of Arts, Institute of Art and Musicology, the TU Dresden Orchestra is seeking to fill the position of a student assistant (10 h/week)
initially limited until 30.09.2024 with the option of extension for a student to work in the orchestra office. A long-term collaboration is desired.
Duties: scientific. Assistance activities, in particular the organization and supervision of rehearsals and concerts of the university orchestra,
Scientific processing and supervision of the music archive,
writing press releases and program texts,
Supporting the University Orchestra's public relations work,
general support for the artistic management and
internal and external correspondence.
Enrolled student at a university (all disciplines welcome),
independent and forward-looking work,
organizational talent,
knowledge of grades,
ability to work in a team,
IT skills (Microsoft Office),
Affinity for social media,
fluency in written and spoken German and
enthusiasm for music.
Women are expressly encouraged to apply. The same applies to people with disabilities.
Please send your application by 03.03.2024 (the postmark of the ZPS of the TU Dresden applies) to: TU Dresden, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Musicology, Dresden University Orchestra, Chairman Mr. Moritz Zeidler, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden or/preferably via the SecureMail portal of TU Dresden https://securemail.tu-dresden.de as a PDF document to . Your application documents will not be returned, please submit copies only. Interview costs will not be covered.