May 08, 2023
Graduate Forum for Teacher Training supports new teachers in higher education when embarking on doctoral projects
In summer 2022, eight new teachers were seconded to TU Dresden by the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs. During their time at the university, they will take on tasks including teaching, teacher training and mentor qualification. In addition, an academic qualification, usually a doctorate, is planned.
The ZLSB's Graduate Forum for Teacher Education supports teachers throughout the entire doctoral process. In the first year of the secondment, the focus was on introducing students to the methods of empirical educational research. Nine workshops have been held since September 2022, including an introduction to qualitative research, design-based research, empirical data collection methods, questionnaire construction and sampling, as well as the evaluation of statistical data and qualitative content analysis.
In the further course of their research projects, the seconded teachers will have the opportunity to discuss interim results and challenges in the research process with colleagues in regular research colloquia and research workshops. Over the past few years, the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research has become a place for interdisciplinary exchange between postdoctoral teachers.
"Thanks to their many years of professional experience, the teachers bring with them a high level of expertise that not only improves the supervision of student teachers, but can also have a lasting influence on empirical educational research at TU Dresden," emphasizes Dr. Frank Beier, who heads the Graduate Forum for Teacher Education. This is also evidenced by the eight successfully completed dissertations by seconded ZLSB teaching staff since 2019.
In addition to teachers in higher education, the Graduate Forum for Teacher Education is also open to all other people who are active and interested in the field of empirical school, teaching or teacher education research at TU Dresden.