3D Virtual Landscapes
The module conveys introductive information on relevance, use context, information origin, design options, generation and limitations of 3D landscape models. A focus is set on exterior models in a medium level of detail. Linked to an existing in-house model, important steps of the production cycle are treated both in theory and practical training: primary data capture / import of geo-objects from large-scale references, generation of prototypic 3D content, 3D upgrade of 2D geo-objects, and (small) model assembly.
Intended Learning Outcomes
The students will learn about information sources of virtual 3D landscape models and various design options to be considered in a given application context. They will get an understanding of principal consistency requirements within the range of input objects to a 3D landscape model, which is typically of heterogeneous origin. Moreover, they will gain practice in important steps of the workflow resulting in a 3D model, as geo-data capture, 3D content design using 3D modelling software, and assembly of a small model including texture assignment.
Responsible persons
Lecture & Exercise

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameHerr Dr.rer.nat. Nikolas Prechtel
Eine verschlüsselte E-Mail über das SecureMail-Portal versenden (nur für TUD-externe Personen).
Hülße-Bau, Raum W 138 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden