Mobile Cartography
The course provides an overview of theories, methods and application for information delivery and cartographic presentation on mobile devices. The course structure reflects the complete processing chain and visualization pipeline starting with data capturing and integration, followed by scale dependent data modelling until adaptive information presentation on small screens. In addition theories and methods for automated generalisation and multiple representation will be presented. Lecture topics concerning mobile cartography in detail:
- introduction to mobile cartography with definitions, platforms, applications and research challenges
- mobile user interface design
- icon and map design for small screens
- positioning techniques, sensors and geosensor networks
- user generated content
- navigation, context and adaptation
- field based evaluation methods
- methods for interactive and automated generalization
At the end of the module students are able to
- understand the complete information flow on mobile devices, considered data capturing and integration, scale dependent data modelling until adaptive information presentation
- capture and integrate geodata to mobile devices
- apply context modeling and user modeling with geodata on mobile devices
- create multiple representation of geodata on mobile devices
- create on-demand and on-the-fly generalization with geodata on mobile devices
- create mobile applications (e.g. navigation, wayfinding, orientation, tourist maps)
- apply and evaluate concepts and algorithms for generalisation of 2D- and 3D-geodata
Responsible persons
NameProf. Dipl.-Phys. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dirk Burghardt
Professur für Kartographische Kommunikation
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Professorship for Cartographic Communication
Visiting address:
Hülße-Bau, Room W134 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Exercise & Project work
Scientific Assistant
NameMs Dr.-Ing. habil. Eva Hauthal
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Professorship for Cartographic Communication
Visiting address:
Hülße-Bau, Room W131 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden