Karin Mannewitz
M.A. Karin Mannewitz
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Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Organization NameProfessur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung
Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung
Visiting address:
August-Bebel-Straße 20, Room ABS 030, 7.St.; 007
01219 Dresden
- work Tel.
- +49 351 463-32642
Office hours:
nach Vereinbarung
M.A. Inclusive Education / IHP
Office hours
by appointment
Mannewitz, Karin; Fink, Mara; Mader, Svenja (2024): "And then you paint and make things together." On the possibility of changing images in the mind or not. In: Goldbach, Anne; Langner, Anke; Mannewitz, Karin; Schuppener, Saskia; Leonhardt, Nico (eds.): Machtkontexte -Kritische Reflexionen von Wissensordnungen, Wissensproduktion und Wissensvermittlung. Bad Heilbrunn. Klinkhardt. 249-266.
Fink, Mara; Mannewitz, Karin; Schmidt, Laura (2022). Nice project with inclusion character - "1 ½ years at university and it still feels like you're at a party you weren't invited to." In: Fränkel, Silvia; Grünke, Matthias; Hennemann, Thomas; Hövel, Dennis C.; Melzer, Conny; Ziemen, Kerstin (eds.): Participation in all areas of life? A look back to the future. Bad Heilbrunn. Klinkhardt. 335-340.
Schuppener, Saskia; Goldbach, Anne; Leonhardt, Nico; Langer, Anke; Mannewitz, Karin (2020): Communicating inclusion inclusively: People with experiences of disability as teachers at university. In: Schneider-Reisinger, Robert; Oberlechner, Manfred (eds.): Diversity-sensitive pedagogical education in research and practice: Utopias, demands and challenges. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto. Budrich. 108-117.
Mannewitz, Karin (2019):Normative ideas and their effects in the institution of school In: Langner, Anke; Ritter, Matthias; Steffens, Jan; Jugel, David (eds.): Inklusive Bildung forschend entdecken. The concept of cooperative teacher education. Wiesbaden. Springer VS. 113-131.
Janotta, Lisa; Sander, Kirsten; Mannewitz, Karin (2018): Not a case of reflexivity? Social work for people in uncertain residence situations. In: neue praxis, 48th vol. 3, pp. 269-289.
Langner, Anke; Mannewitz, Karin (2017): Exclusion and inclusion in social space. In: Journal for Inclusion.1(4). https://www.inklusion-online.net/index.php/inklusion-online/article/view/438.
Langner, Anke; Mannewitz, Karin (2017): Inclusive school as a social space. Study letter module 11. distance learning program Inclusion and School at the University of Koblenz-Landau. zfuw
Langner, Anke; Mannewitz, Karin (2015): "The main thing is that they are included." In: Disabled people. Issue 4/5/2015. Questions for inclusion.
Mannewitz, Karin & Steffens, Jan (2014): Disability: a social construct. In: Feyerer, Ewald & Langner, Anke (eds.): Dealing with diversity. Textbook for inclusive education. Linz: Trauner Verlag. 39-51.