06.11.2023; Vortrag
Societal Change Forum im WiSe 2023/24Global Citizenship and Online Education in the Current Age | Societal Change Forum
Global citizenship and online education in the current age
(Dr. Maryam Javadi)
To increase our life quality locally, we must overcome global challenges
together, considering sustainable development goals towards common
international opportunities, and develop common international prospects
more efficiently. For this purpose, in addition to intergovernmental
cooperation, an increase of direct contribution of people all over the world is
required. For this partnership, we need a global mindset in the modern world,
through social networks and online training. This mindset is increasing rapidly,
as social media with more than 4 billion users, connecting users to each other
as though they were borderless citizens in their digital environment. in fact,
“Global Citizenship” is becoming the novel specification of today societies that
influence our lifestyle significantly.
During this lecture, we will discuss our needs to plan for the development of a
global citizenship education system as a form of learning for the world society,
towards constructing and developing concept of social responsibility. Also
discuss the needs and interests of the academic users and experts about
developing new scientific social media for more interactive online education
and research collaboration, based on our joint survey research and with
World-Academies (Startup of Technical University of Dresden), we will a quick
look to the descriptive results replying questions about the quantity, quality,
and online educational tools in social networking platforms.

wissenschaftlicher Koordinator
NameHerr Dr. Lucas von Ramin
EXU-Potenzialbereich "Gesellschaftlicher Wandel"
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